SUPPURA T10N. 303 periments, finds that the gonococcus grows best in a mix- ture of I part of pleuritic fluid and 2 parts of 2 per cent, agar. Wright1 prefers a mixture of urine, blood-serum, peptone, and agar-agar. It is ordinarily presumed that gonorrhea cannot be communicated to animals, but Turro asserts that the gonocoeci when grown upon acid gelatin readily com- municate nretlirilis to dogs, and that no Icesio contimd is necessary, the simple introduction of the organisms into the meatus sufficing to produce the disease. The injection of gouococci into the subcutaneous tissue does not produce abscess. There is no doubt that the gonococcus causes gonor- rhea, as it has on several occasions been intentionally inoculated into the human urethra with resulting typical gonorrhea. It is constantly present in the disease, and very frequently also in the sequelae—eiiclonietritis, salpin- gitis, oophoritis, cystitis, peritonitis, arthritis, conjuncti- vitis, endocarditis, etc.—and, so far as can at present be determined, is never found under normal conditions. In the beginning of their activities the cocci grow in the superficial epithelial cells, but soon penetrate between the cells to the deeper layers, where they continue their irritation as the superficial cells desquamate. Authorities differ as to whether the gonococci can penetrate squamous and columnar epithelium with equal facility. The periurethral abscesses that occur in the course of gonorrhea are generally due to the Staphylococci aureus and albus, not directly to the gonococcus. In certain of the remote secondary inflammations the gonococci disappear after a time, and either the inflam- mation subsides or is maintained by other bacteria. In synovitis this does not seem to be true, and the inflam- mation excited may last for months. As long as the gonococci persist the patient may spread contagion. It must be pointed out that after apparent recovery from the disease the cocci sometimes remain iy«w. *>f ///