2,24 PA THOGENIC BA CTERIA. bacilli in the milk of cattle affected with tuberculosis. It does not seem necessary that tuberculous ulcers shall be present in the udders; indeed, the bacilli have been demonstrated in considerable numbers in milk from udders without tubercular lesions discoverable to the naked eye. The meat from tuberculous animals is less dangerous than the milk, because the meat is nearly always cooked before being eaten, while the milk is generally taken uncooked. The bacilli enter the intestinal lymphatics, sometimes produce lesions immediately beneath the mu- cous membrane, and lead later on to the formation of ulcers ; but generally they first involve the mesenteric lymphatic glands. The thoracic duct is sometimes af- fected, and from such a lesion it is easy to understand the development of a general miliary tuberculosis. The oc- casional absorption of tubercle bacilli by the lacteals, and their entrance into the'systemic'circulation and subse- quent deposition in the brain, bones, joints, etc., are sup- posed to explain primary lesions of these tissues. Infection is said also to take place occasionally through the sexual apparatus. In sexual intercourse tubercle bacilli from tuberculous testicles may be discharged into the female organs, with resulting tuberculous lesions. The infection in this way generally is from the male to the female, primary tuberculosis of the testicle being much more common than primary tuberculosis of the uterus or ovaries. While most probably rare, in comparison with the preceding, wounds also are avenues of entrance for the tubercle bacilli. Anatomical tubercles are not uncom- mon upon the hands of anatomists and pathologists, most of these growths being tuberculous in character. An interesting fact concerning these dermal lesions is the exceedingly small number of bacilli which they contain. The macroscopic lesions of tuberculosis are too familiar to require a description of any considerable length. They