TUBERCULOSIS. 239 Upon culture-media a distinct rapidity of growth is observable, and we find that, instead of growing only where glycerin is present, the Bacillus tuberculosis galli- iiarum will grow upon blood-serum, agar-agar, and bouil- lon as ordinarily prepared. It will not grow upon potato. The bacillus will grow at 42-43° C. quite as well as at 37° C., while the growth of the tubercle bacillus ceases at 42° C. Moreover, the temperature of 43° C. does not attenuate its virulence. The thermal death-point is 70° C. Upon culture-media it can retain its virulence for two years. The growth upon artificial culture-media is luxuriant, and lacks the dry quality characteristic of ordinary tubercle-bacillus cultures. As it becomes old a culture of fowl-tuberculosis turns slightly yellow. Birds are the most susceptible animals for experimental inoculation, the embryos and young more so than the adults ; guinea-pigs are quite immune. Artificial inocu- lation can only be made in the subcutaneous tissue, never through the intestine. The chief seat of the disease is the liver, where cellular nodes, lacking the central coag- ulation and the giant-cells of mammalian tuberculosis, and enormously rich in bacilli, are found. The disease never begins in the lungs, and the fowls which are dis- eased never show bacilli in the sputum or the dung. Rabbits are easily infected, an abscess forming at the seat of inoculation, and later nodules forming in the lung, so that the distribution is quite different from that seen in birds. The bacillus stains like the tubercle bacillus, but takes the stain rather more easily. The resistance to acids is about the same. Pseudo-tuberculosis.—Eberth, Chantemesse, Charrin, and Roger have reported certain cases of so-called pseudo- tuberculosis. The disease occurred spontaneously in guinea-pigs, and was characterized by the formation of cellular nodules in the liver and kidneys much resembling miliary tubercles. Cultures made from them showed the