CHAPTER IL LEPROSY. LEPROSY is a disease of great antiquity, and very early received much attention and study. In giving the laws to Israel, Moses included a large number of rules for its recognition, the isolation of the sufferers, the determina- tion of recovery, and observances to be fulfilled before the convalescent could once more mingle with his people. The Bible is replete with accounts of miracles wrought upon lepers, and during the times of biblical tradition it must have been an exceedingly common and malignant disease. At the present time, although we in the Northern United States hear very little about it, leprosy is still a widespread disease. It exists in much the same form as two thousand years ago in Palestine, Syria, Egypt, and the adjacent countries. It is exceedingly common in China, Siani, and parts of India. Cape Colony has many cases. In Europe, Norway, Sweden, and parts of the Mediterranean coast furnish a considerable number of cases. Certain islands, especially the Sandwich Islands, are regular hot-beds for its maintenance. The United States is not exempt, the Gulf coast being chiefly af- fected. At one time the view was prevalent that the disease was spread only by contagion, at another that it was miasmatic. At present the tendency is to view it as. coiitagious to a degree rather less than tuberculosis. Sometimes it is hereditary. The cause of leprosy is now pretty certainly deter- mined to be the lepra bacillus (Fig. 65), which was dis- 16 241