LEPROSY. 245 to that upon agar-agar. In puncture-cultures most of the growth is on the surface in the form of a whitish, or grayish, or yellowish folded layer. In the depths of the gelatin the development occurs as a granular rather thick column. The medium is not liquefied. Bouillon is not clouded; no superficial growth occurs. The vegetation occurs only at the bottom of the tube in the form of a powdery sediment. Czaplewski found that the bacillus stained well with Loffler's methylen-blue, and with the aqueous solutions of the ariilin dyes. It also stains by Gram's method, and has the same resisting power to the decolorizing action of mineral acids and alcohol as the lepra bacillus as seen in tissue. The young bacilli color homogeneously, but older ones are invariably granular. They are usually pointed at the ends when young, but may be rounded or knobbed when older. The more rapidly the bacillus grows, the longer and more slender it appears. All attempts to infect the lower animals with leprosy, either by the purulent matter or solid tissue from lepers, or by inoculating them with the supposed specific bacilli that have been isolated, have failed. Ducrey seems to have cultivated the lepra bacillus in grape-sugar, agar, and in bouillon "in vaciw." His results need confirmation. Very few instances are re- corded in which actual inoculation has produced leprosy in either men or animals. Arning was able to secure permission to experiment upon a condemned criminal in the Sandwich Islands. The man was of a family entirely free from disease. Arning introduced beneath his skin fragments of tissue freshly excised from a lepra nodule, and kept the man under observation. In the course of some months typical lesions began to develop at the points of inoculation and spread gradually, ending in general lepra in the course of about five years. Melcher and Artmann introduced fragments of lepra nodules into the anterior chambers of the eyes of rabbits, and observed the death of the animals after some months