GLANDERS. 251 four days the disease becomes established. The testicles enlarge a little; the skin over them becomes red and shining. The testicles themselves begin to suppurate, and often discharge through the skin. The animal dies in about two weeks. If such an animal be killed and its testicles examined, the tunica vaginalis testis will be found to contain pus, and sometimes to be partially ob- literated by inflammatory exudation. The bacilli are pres- ent in this pus, and can be secured from it in pure cultures. The value of Strauss's method has, however, been less- ened by the discovery by Kutcher,1 that a new bacillus, which he has classified among the pseudo-tubercle ba- cilli, produces a similiar testicular swelling when injected into the abdominal cavity. The purulent discharges from the noses of horses and from other lesions of large animals generally con- tain very few bacilli, so that their detection by the use of the guinea-pig inoculation is made much more simple. The bacillus is an aerobic organism, and can be grown in bouillon, upon agar-agar, better upon glycerin agar- agar, very well upon blood-serum, and quite character- istically upon potato. It grows in gelatin, but this is not an appropriate medium, because the bacillus develops best at temperatures at which the gelatin is liquid. Upon 4 per cent, glycerin agar-agar plates the colonies appear upon the second day as pale-yellow or whitish, shining round dots. Under the microscope they appear as brownish-yellow, thick granular masses with sharp borders. The culture upon agar-agar and glycerin agar-agar occurs as a moist, shining layer not possessed of distinct peculiarities. Upon blood-serum the growth is rather characteristic. The colonies along the line of inoculation first develop as circumscribed, clear, transparent drops, which later become confluent and form a transparent layer unaccompanied by liquefaction. 1 Zeitschrift fur Hygiene, Bd. xxi., Heft i., Dec. 6, 1895.