PATHOGENIC BACTERIA. anilin-water-fuchsin solution for a few moments, sections in the same solution cold for twenty-four hours; then immerse them first in a weak, then in a strong, solution of chlorid of iron. The cover-glasses are washed in water, sections in alcohol, and subsequently passed through the usual reagents for dehydration and clearing. FIG. 67.—Bacillus of syphilis (Lustgarten), from a condyloma; x looo (Itzerott and Niemann). In some syphilitic tissues these methods suffice to de- fine distinct bacilli with a remarkable similarity to the tubercle bacillus. The organism is about the same size as the tubercle bacillus, and even more frequently curved, but often presents a club-like enlargement of one end (involution-form?). The bacilli very frequently occur singly, though more often in groups, and never lie free, but are always enclosed in cells. These bacilli are not always found in syphilitic lesions, nor is their dem- onstration easy under the most favorable circumstances. Lustgarten emphasizes particularly that they are only demonstrable after the most painstaking technical pro- cedures. The probability of the specificity of this organism was considerably lessened by the observation by Matterstock, Travel, and Alvarez-that in preputial smegma, and also-