SYPHILIS. 257 in vulvar smegma from healthy individuals, a similar organism, identical both in morphology and staining peculiarities, could be demonstrated. Of course the oc- currence of Ivustgarten's bacillus in the internal organs could not but argue against the probability of its identity with the smegma bacillus ; but lyiistgarten himself pointed out that the bacilli of both tuberculosis and leprosy stain by his method, and thus gave Baumgarten the right to suggest that the few cases well adapted for the demon- stration of the Lustgarten bacilli might be cases of mixed infection of tuberculosis and syphilis. The most recent research upon the bacteriology of syphilis is that of van Niessen,1 who claims to have cul- tivated a syphilis bacillus from the blood of a few cases. Blood secured from a deep puncture at the end of a thoroughly disinfected finger is caught in a sterile glass, diluted with an equal quantity of distilled water and kept for from ten to fourteen days at a temperature of io°-20° R. (i3°-i5° C.). Very often the blood of syphi-* litics is found subject to accidental contamination by various well-known bacteria. When this is not the case, however, the serum remains almost perfectly clear and contains a large number of bacilli—syphilis bacilli. The bacillus can be transplanted to bouillon, in which it grows with the production of grayish-white shreds and floating flocculi, some of which are suspended in the liquid, while others form a membrane upon the surface. When transplanted to obliquely solidified gelatin and kept at room temperature, in the course of forty-eight, hours a very fine, grayish-white, thready mass like: cloudy streaks, and having a peculiar reflecting surface,, can be seen. Under a lens this is seen to consist of lines of threads which sometimes seem to penetrate into the depths of the gelatin. After a time a layer is formed upon the surface of the medium. Some liquefaction of the medium occurs and causes the growth to slide down upon. 1 Centralbl.f, Bakt. und Parasitenk., Bd. xxiii., No. 2, Jan. 19, 1898, p. 49;, No. 344, Jan. 31, 1898, p. 97; and No. 546, Feb. n, 1898, p. 177. 17