CHAPTER VI. MYCETOMA, OR MADURA-FOOT. A CURIOUS disease of not infrequent occurrence in the Indian province of Scinde is one known as mycetoma, Madura-foot, or pied de Mad^tra. It almost invariably affects natives of the agriculturist class, and in most cases begins in or is referred by the patient to the prick of a thorn. It generally affects the foot, more rarely the hand, and in one instance was seen by Boyce in the shoulder and hip. It is more common in men than in women, individuals between twenty and forty years of age suffering most frequently, but persons of any age or sex may suffer from the disease. It is insidious in its- onset, as has been said, generally following a slight injury, such as the prick of a thorn. No symptoms are observed in what might be called an incubation stage of a couple of weeks' duration, but after this time elapses a nodular growth gradually forms, attaining in the course of time the size of a marble. Its deep attachments are indistinct and diffuse. The skiti becomes purplish, thickened, indurated, and adherent. The points most frequently invaded at the onset are the ball of the great toe and the pads under the bases of the fingers and toes. In the course of months, although progressing slowlyr the lesions attain very perceptible size, distinct tumors being present. Later, sometimes not until after a year or two, the nodes begin to soften, break down, discharge their purulent contents, and originate ulcers and com- municating sinuses. The discharge at this stage is a thin sero-pus, and is always mixed with a number of fine round black or pink bodies, described, when black, as resembling gunpowder ; when pink, as resembling 266