MYCETOMA, OR MADURA-FOOT. 269 Vincent was unable to communicate the disease to animals by inoculation. Microscopic study of the diseased tissues in cases of mycetoma is not without interest. The healthy tissue is said to be sharply separated from the diseased masses. The latter appear as large degenerated tubercles, except that they are extremely vascular. The mycelial or filamentous fungous mass occupies the centre of the degeneration, where its long filaments can be beautifully demonstrated by the use of appropriate stains, Gram's method being excellent for the purpose. The tissue sur- rounding the disease-nodes is infiltrated with small round cells. The youngest nodules are seen to consist of granu- lation-tissue, which in its organization is checked by the coagulation-necrosis which is sure to overtake it Giant- cells are few. Not infrequently small hemorrhages occur from the ulcers and sinuses of the diseased tissues ; the hemor- rhages can be explained from the abundance of small blood-vessels in the diseased tissue. Although the disease has been described as occurring in Scinde, it is not limited to that province, having been met with in Madura, Hissar, Bicanir, Dehli, Bombay, Baratpur, Morocco, Algeria, one case by Bastini and Campana in Italy, and one by Kempner in America.