DIPHTHERIA. 289 appearance. It must be remarked that when sudden transplantations are made from blood-serum to agar- agar the growth resulting is meagre, but the oftener this growth is transplanted to fresh agar-agar the more luxuriant it becomes. The growth in gelatin puncture-cultures is character- ized by small spherical colonies which develop along the entire length of the needle-track. The gelatin is not liquefied. Upon the surface of gelatin plates the colonies that develop do not attain anything like the size of the colo- nies upon Loffler's mixture. They appear to the naked FIG. 79.—Bacillus diphtherias, colony twenty-four hours old upon agar-agar; x loo (Frankel and Pfeiffer). eye as whitish points with smooth contents and regular though sometimes indented borders. Under the micro- scope they appear as granular, yellowish-brown colonies with irregular borders (Fig. 79). When planted in bouillon the organism causes a diffuse cloudiness at first, but, not being motile, soon settles to the bottom in the form of a rather flocculent precipitate: which has a tendency to cling to the sides of the glass. Sometimes a delicate irregular mycoderma forms upon: 19