DIPHTHERIA. • 293 point in exactly the same way as the cases of true diph- theria. 3. c' Cases of diphtheria present the ordinary clinical feat- ures of diphtheria, and show the Klebs-Loffler bacilli. 4. " Cases of angina associated with the production of membrane in which no diphtheria bacilli are found might be regarded from a clinical standpoint as diph- theria, but bacteriological examination shows that some other organism than the Klebs-Loffler bacillus is the cause of the process." No more convincing proof of the existence of a power- ful poison in diphtheria could be desired than the evi- dences of general toxemia resulting from the absorption of material from a comparatively small number of bacilli situated upon a little patch of mucous membrane. In animals artificially inoculated the lesions produced are not identical with those seen in the human subject, yet they have the same general features of local infection with general toxemia. Guinea-pigs, kittens, and young pups are susceptible animals. When half a cubic centimeter of a twenty-four- hour-old bouillon culture is injected beneath the skin of such an animal, the bacilli multiply at the point of in- oculation, with the production of a patch of inflamma- tion associated with a distinct fibrinous exudation and the presence of an extensive edema. The animal dies in twenty-four to thirty-six hours. The liver is enlarged, and sometimes shows minute whitish points, which in microscopic sections prove to be necrotic areas in which the cells are completely degenerated and the chromatin of their nuclei is scattered about in granular form. Similar necrotic foci, to which attention was first called by Oertel, are present in nearly all the organs in cases of death from the toxin. The bacilli are constantly absent from these lesions. Welch and Flexnerl have shown these foci to be common to numerous irritant poisonings, and not peculiar to diphtheria. 1 Bull of the. Johns Hopkins Hospital, Aug., 1891.