294 PATHOGENIC BACTERIA. The lymphatic glands are usually enlarged ; the adrenals are also enlarged, and, in cases into which the live bacilli have been injected, are hemorrhagic. Sometimes the bacilli themselves are present in the internal organs, and even in the blood, but generally this is not the case. It might be argued, from the different clinical pictures presented by the disease as it occurs in man and in animals, that they were not expressions of the same thing. A careful study, however, together with the evi- dences adduced by Roux and Yersin, who found that when the bacilli were introduced into the trachea of animals opened by operation a typical false membrane was produced, and that diphtheritic palsy often followed, and of hundreds of investigators, who find the bacilli constantly present in the disease as it occurs in man, must satisfy us that the doubt of the etiological role of the bacillus rests on a very slight foundation. All possible skepticism of the specificity of the bacillus on my part was dispelled by an accidental infection that kept me housed for three weeks during the busiest season of the year. Without having been exposed to any known diphtheria contagion, while experimenting in the labora- tory, a living virulent culture of the diphtheria bacillus was drawn into a pipette and accidentally entered my mouth. Through carelessness no precautions were taken to prevent serious consequences, and as a result of the accident, two days later, my throat was full of typical pseudomembrane which private and Health Board bac- teriological examinations showed contained pure cultures of the Klebs-Loffler bacilli. One reason for skepticism in this particular is the supposed existence of a pseudodiphtheria bacillus, which has so many points in common with the real diphtheria bacillus that it is difficult to distinguish between them. We have, however, come to regard this pseudobacillus as an attenuated form of the real bacillus. The chief points of difference between the bacilli are that the pseudo-