DIPHTHERIA. 299 guinea-pig in three days). This period of time covered that.of the greatest growth of the bacilli, as shown both by the appearance of the culture and by the number of colonies developing on agar plates." "The bodies of the diphtheria bacilli did not at any time contain toxin in considerable amounts." "The type of growth of the bacilli and the rapidity and extent of the production of toxin depended more on the reaction of the bouillon than upon any other single factor." " The best results were obtained in bouillon which, after being neutralized to litmus, had about 7 c.cm. of normal soda solution added to each liter. An excessive amount of either acid or alkali prevented the development of toxin." " Strong toxin was produced in bouillon con- taining peptone ranging from i to 10 per cent." "The strength of toxin averaged greater in the 2 and 4 per cent peptone solution than in the I per cent." "When the stage of acid reaction was brief and the degree of acidity probably slight, strong toxin developed while the culture bouillon was still acid; but when the stage of acid reaction was prolonged little if any toxin was produced until just before the fluid became alka- line." "Glucose is deleterious to the growth of the diphtheria bacillus and to the production of toxin when it is present in sufficient amounts to cause by its disintegration too great a degree of acidity in the culture-fluid. When the acid resulting from the decomposition of glucose is neu- tralized by the addition of an alkali the diphtheria bacillus again grows abundantly." The Immunisation of the Animal.—The animals chosen to furnish the antitoxic serum should be animals which present a distinct natural immunity to ordinary doses of the toxin, and should be sufficiently large to furnish large quantities of the finished serum. Behring originally employed dogs and sheep ; Aronson at first preferred the goat; but Roux introduced the horse, which is more easi- ly immunized than the other animals mentioned, and,