DIPHTHERIA. 305 of antitoxic serum seems to bear a distinct relation to the age of the serum, fresh serums being more liable to produce it than those which have been kept for a month or two. I have found that the c c keeping'' qualities of the se- rums, when properly preserved, are of long duration. Samples examined two years after having been exposed for sale in the markets have been found unchanged. The serums most prone to deteriorate seem to be those of highest potency, but even here the good qualities are unchanged for months. Freezing is without effect and ordinary temperature- changes are harmless to the serum. The antitoxic power is destroyed at 72° C., the point at which the serum coagulates. The erythemata are probably in some way associated with the globulicidal action of the blood. Keeping the serum 'c until it is ripe'' lessens this effect. The serums from different horses probably vary much in both their irritant and globulicidal properties, so that antitoxins prepared by mixing the serums from a number of horses are probably preferable to those from single horses. Dried serums are much less active than fresh ones. For purposes of immunization smaller doses than those used for treatment suffice. According to Biggs, 2 cubic centimeters are sufficient to give complete protection. The immunity that results from the injection is of a month or six weeks' duration. The transitory nature of this immunity is probably dependent upon the fact that the antitoxin is slowly ex- creted through the kidneys. 20