CHAPTER III. HYDROPHOBIA, OR RABIES. No micro-organism of hydrophobia has as yet been discovered, yet the peculiarities of the disease are such as to leave no doubt in the mind of a bacteriologist that one must exist. To find it is now the desideratum. Although many men have labored upon hydrophobia, no name is so well known or so justly honored as that of the great pioneer in bacteriology, Pasteur. The profes- sion and laity are alike familiar with his name and work, and although at times the newspapers of our country and certain members of the profession have opposed the .methods of treatment which he has suggested as the re- .'Sult of his experimentation, we cannot but feel that this skepticism and opposition are due either to ignorance Ťof the principles upon which Pasteur reasoned or to a culpable conservatism. The most vehement opponent that Pasteur has in America seems to disbelieve the existence of rabies. It is impossible to argue with him. Hydrophobia, or rabies, is a specific toxemia to which dogs, wolves, skunks, and cats are highly susceptible, and which can, through their saliva, be communicated to men, horses, cows, and other animals. The means of communication is almost invariably a bite, hence the inference that the specific organism is present in the saliva. The animals that are infected manifest no symptoms during a varying incubation-period in which the wound generally heals kindly. This period may last for as long a time as twelve months, but in rare cases may be only some days. An average duration of the period of incu- bation might be stated as about six weeks. 306