308 PA THOGENIC BA CTERIA. The introduction of a fragment of the medulla ob- longata of a dog dead of rabies beneath the dura mater of a rabbit causes the development of rabies in the rabbit in a couple of weeks. The medulla of this rabbit introduced beneath the dura mater of a second rabbit produced a more violent form of the disease in a shorter time, and by frequently repeated implantations Pasteur found that an extremely virulent material could be ob- tained. Inasmuch as the toxins of diphtheria and tetanus circulate in the blood, and not infrequently saturate the nervous systems of animals affected, it might be concluded that the material with which Pasteur worked was a toxin. This is readily disproven, however, not only by the fact that the toxin would weaken instead of strengthen by the method of transfer from animal to animal, it not being a vital entity, but also by the dis- covery that when an emulsion of the nervous system of an affected animal is filtered through porcelain, or when it is heated for a few moments to 100° C., or exposed for a considerable time to a temperature of 75° or 80° C., its virulence is entirely lost. This would seem to prove that that which is in the nervous system and communi- cates the disease is a living, active body—a parasite, and in all probability a bacterium. However, all endeavors to discover, isolate, or cultivate this organism have failed. Pasteur noted that the virulence of the poison was less in animals that had been dead for some time than in the nervous systems of those just killed, and by experi- mentation showed that when the nervous system was dried in a sterile atmosphere the virulence was attenu- ated in proportion to the length of time it had been dry. This attenuation of virulence of course suggested to Pasteur the idea of a protective vaccination, and by in- oculating a dog with much attenuated, then with less attenuated, then with moderately strong, and finally with strong, virus, the dog developed an immunity which enabled it to resist the infection of an amount of viru-