PATHOGENIC BACTERIA the cholera spirillum, and also of making a diagnosis of the disease in a suspected case, is probably that of Schottelius. The method is very simple : A small quan- tity of the fecal matter is mixed with bouillon and stood in an incubating oven for twenty-four hours. If the FIG. 82.—Spirillum of Asiatic cholera: colonies two days old upon a gelatin plate; x 35 (Heim). cholera spirilla are present, they will grow most rapidly at the surface of the liquid when the supply of air is good. A pellicle will be formed, a drop from which, diluted in melted gelatin and poured upon plates, will show typical colonies. Under the microscope the principal characteristics can be made out. The colony of the cholera spirillum scarcely resembles that of any other organism. The little colonies which have not yet reached the surface of the gelatin begin very soon to show a pale-yellow color and to exhibit irregularities of contour, so that they are almost never smooth and round. They are coarsely granular, and have the largest granules in the centre. As the colony increases in size the granules also increase