3i8 PA THOGENIC BACTERIA. The luxuriant development of the spirilla in gelatin produces considerable solid material to sediment and fill up the lower third or lower half of the liquefied area. This solid material consists of masses of spirilla which have probably completed their life-cycle and become inactive. Under the microscope they exhibit the most varied involution-forms. The liquefaction reaches the sides of the tube in from five to seven days. Liquefac- tion of the medium is not complete for several weeks. According to Frankel, in eight weeks the organisms in the liquefied culture all die, and cannot be transplanted. Kitasato, however, has found them living and active on agar-agar after ten to thirty days, and Koch was able to demonstrate their vitality after two years. When planted upon the surface of agar-agar the spi- rilla produce a white, shining, translucent growth along the entire line of inoculation. It is in no way peculiar. The vitality of the organism is retained much better upon agar-agar than upon gelatin, and, according to Frankel, the organism can be transplanted and grown when nine months old. The growth upon blood-serum likewise is without dis- tinct peculiarities, and causes gradual liquefaction of the medium. Upon potato the spirilla grow well, even when the reaction of the potato is acid. In the incubator at a temperature of 37° C. a transparent, slightly brownish or yellowish-brown growth, somewhat resembling the growth of glanders, is produced. It contains large numbers of long spirals. In bouillon and in peptone solution the cholera organ- isms grow well, especially upon the surface, where a folded, wrinkled mycoderma is formed. Below the my- coderma the culture fluid generally remains clear. If the glass be shaken and the mycoderma broken up, fragments of it sink to the bottom. In milk the development is also luxuriant, but takes place in such a manner as not visibly to alter its appear-