CHOLERA. 321 tory. By injecting laudanum into the abdominal cavity of guinea-pigs the peristaltic movements are checked. The amount given for the purpose is very large, about i grain for each 200 grams of body-weight. It generally narcotizes the animals for a short time, but they recover without injury. After administering the opium the con- tents of the stomach are neutralized by introducing through a pharyngeal catheter 5 of a 5 per cent, aqueous solution of sodium carbonate. With the gastric contents thus alkalinized and the peristalsis paralyzed a bouillon culture of the spirilla is introduced. The ani- mal recovers from the manipulation, but shows an indis- position to eat, is soon observed to be weak in the pos- terior extremities, subsequently is paralyzed, and dies within forty-eight hours. The autopsy shows the intes- tine congested and filled with a watery fluid rich in spi- rilla—an appearance which Frankel declares to be exactly that of cholera. In man, as well as in these artificially injected animals, the spirilla are never found in the blood or the tissues, but only in the intestine, where they fre- quently enter between the basement membrane and the epithelial cells, and aid in the detachment of the latter. Issaeff and Kolle found that when virulent cholera spirilla are injected into the ear-veins of young rabbits the animals die on the following day with symptoms re- sembling the algid stage of human cholera. The autopsy in these cases showed local lesions of the small intestine very similar to those observed in cholera in man. Guinea-pigs are also susceptible to intraperitoneal in- jections of the spirillum, and speedily succumb. The symptoms are—rapid fall of temperature, tenderness over the abdomen, and collapse. The autopsy shows an abundant fluid exudate containing the micro-organism, and injection and redness of the peritoneum and viscera. Although in reading upon cholera at the present time we find very little skepticism in relation to Koch's "comma bacillus," we do find occasional doubters who believe with Von Pettenkoffer that the disease is mias- 21