322 PA THOGENIC BACTERIA. matic. Pettenkoffer's theory is that the disease has much to do with the ground-water and its drying zone. He regards as the principal cause of the disease the de- velopment of germs in the subsoil moisture during the warm months, and their impregnation of the atmosphere as a miasm to be inhaled, instead of ingested with food and drink. This idea of Pettenkoffer's, combined with his other idea that individual predisposition must pre- cede the inception of the disease, is scarcely compatible with what has gone before, and cannot possibly be made to explain the march of the disease from place to place with caravans, or its distribution over extended areas when fairs and religious gatherings among the Hindoos break up, the people from an infected centre carrying cholera with them to their homes. While it is an organism that multiplies with great rapidity under proper conditions, the cholera spirillum is not possessed of much resisting power. Sternberg found that it was killed by exposure to a temperature of 52° C. for four minutes.' Kitasato, however, found that ten or fifteen minutes' exposure to a temperature of 55° C. was not always fatal. In the moist con- dition the organism may retain its vitality for months, but it is very quickly destroyed by desiccation, as was found by Koch, who observed that when dried in a thin film its power to grow was destroyed in a few hours. Kitasato found that upon silk threads the vitality might be retained longer. Abel and Claussen have shown that it does not live longer than twenty to thirty days in fecal matter, and often disappears in one to three days. The organism is very susceptible to the influence of carbolic acid, bichlorid of mercury, and other germicides. The organism is also destroyed by acids. Hashimoto found that it could not live longer than fifteen minutes in vinegar containing 2.2-3.2 per cent, of acetic acid. This low vital resistance of the microbe is very fortu- nate, for it enables us to establish safeguards for the pre- vention of the spread of the disease. Excreta, soiled