334 PATHOGENIC BACTERIA. diate species between the cholera and the Finkler-Prior spirilla. The colonies upon gelatin plates appear in about twelve hours as small whitish points, and rapidly develop, so that by the end of the third day large saucer-shaped areas of liquefaction resembling colonies of the Finkler-Prior spirilla occur. The liquefaction of the gelatin is quite rapid, the resulting fluid being turbid. Generally there will be upon a plate of Vibrio Metchnikoff some colo- nies which closely resemble cholera by occupying small conical depressions in the gelatin. Under a high power of the microscope the contents of the colonies, which ap- pear to be of a brownish color, are observed to be in rapid motion. The edges of the bacterial mass are fringed with radiating organisms (Fig. 90). In gelatin tubes the culture is very much like that of cholera, but develops more slowly. Upon the surface of agar-agar a yellowish-brown growth develops along the whole line of inoculation. On potato at the room-temperature no growth occurs, but at the temperature of the incubator a luxuriant yellowish-brown growth takes place. Sometimes the color is quite dark, and chocolate-colored potato cultures are not uncommon. In bouillon the growth which occurs at the tempera- ture of the incubator is quite characteristic, and very different from that of the cholera spirillum. The entire medium becomes clouded, of a grayish-white color, and opaque. A folded and wrinkled mycodenna forms upon the surface. When glucose is added to the bouillon no fermentation or gas-production results. When grown in litmus milk the original blue color is changed to pink in a day, and at the end of another day the color is all destroyed and the milk coagulated. Ulti- mately the clots of casein sediment in irregular masses, and clear colorless whey is supernatant. The addition of sulphuric acid to a culture grown in a