338 PATHOGENIC BACTERIA. much resembles cholera. It was first isolated by Heider in 1892. In appearance it is rather delicate and decidedly curved. It is often united in sigmoid and semicircular forms, and exhibits long spirals in old cultures. It is actively motile, each organism presenting a terminal flagellum. The growth upon gelatin plates is rapid. Small light- gray colonies, resembling those of cholera, but exhibit- ing a dentate margin, are observed. The growth in gelatin punctures also much resembles cholera, and the agar-agar growth can scarcely be distinguished from it. The potato growth has a distinct yellowish-brown color. Milk is coagulated in three or four days. <* >J,-JS-.f* ••' * * . :^r» v^r's:^ &*?•'*•- V0--.^: A' ^X'^" vv;^j^.^y' FlG. 93.—Spirillum Danubicus, from an agar-agar culture; x 1000 (Itzerott and Niemann). This spirillum does not produce indol. Heider found the spirillum pathogenic for guinea-pigs. Spirillum I. of Wernicke.—This organism is about twice as large as the cholera spirillum, liquefies gelatin more rapidly, produces indol, and is feebly pathogenic for guinea-pigs. Spirillum II. of Wernicke.—This spirillum is smaller than the cholera spirillum, liquefies gelatin more slowly,