ANTHRAX. 357 of Davaine's conclusions and actual proof of the matter rested with Pasteur and Koch, who, observing that the bacilli bore spores, cultivated them successfully outside the body, and then produced the disease by the inocula- tion of pure cultures. The anthrax bacilli (Fig. 101) are large rods with a FIG. 101.—Bacillus anthracis: colony three days old upon a gelatin plate; ad- hesive preparation; x 1000 (Frankel and Pfeiffer). rectangular form, caused by the very slight rounding of the corners. They measure 5-20 // in length and are from i IJL to 1.25 p- in breadth. The pronounced tendency is toward the formation of long threads, in which, how- ever, the individuals can generally be made out; at times isolated rods occur. In the threads the bacilli seem en- larged a little at the ends, and give somewhat the appear- ance of a bamboo cane. The formation of spores is pro- lific : each spore has a distinct oval shape, is transparent, and does not alter the contour of the bacillus in which it occurs. Spores are generally formed in the presence of oxygen upon the surfaces of the culture-media. When a spore is placed under favorable conditions for its devel- opment and is carefully watched, it may be observed to increase in length a trifle, then to undergo a rupture at