35§ PATHOGENIC BACTERIA. one end, from which the new bacillus projects. The spores of anthrax (Fig. 102), being large and easily ob- FIG. 102.—Bacillus anthracis, stained to show the spores; x icon (Frankel and Pfeiffer). tainable, are excellent subjects for the study of sporula- tion, for the action of germicides and antiseptics, and for demonstration by stains. When dried upon threads of silk they will retain their vitality for several years, and are highly resistant to heat and disinfectants. Spores of anthrax are killed by five minutes' exposure to a temperature of 100° C., and are killed in five minutes in a 5 per cent solution of carbolic acid, or, at least, are deprived of their vegetative property in relation to cul- ture-media. It is said by some that spores subjected to 5 per cent, carbolic acid can germinate when introduced into susceptible animals. Spores are also killed by simple wetting with i : 100,000 bichlorid-of-mercury solution. The bacilli are not motile and are not provided with flagella. They stain well with ordinary solutions of the anilin dyes, and can be beautifully demonstrated in the tissues by Gram's method and by Weigert's fibrin method. Picro-carmin, followed by Gram's method, gives a beauti- ful, clear picture. The spores can be stained with carbol-