CHAPTER II. TYPHOID FEVER. THE bacillus of typhoid fever (Fig. 105) was discovered by Eberth and Koch in 1880, and was first secured in •*^«sss^.-i*** FIG. 105.—Bacillus typhi, from a twenty-four-hours-old agar-agar culture; x 650 (Heim). pure culture from the spleen and affected lymphatic glands by Gaffky four years later. The organism is a small, short bacillus about 1-3 ^ (2-4^ Chantemesse, Widal) in length and 0.5-0.8^ broad (Sternberg). The ends are rounded, and it is rather ex- ceptional for the bacilli to be united in chains, though this arrangement is common in potato cultures. The size and morphology vary distinctly with the nature of the culture-medium and the age of the culture. Thoinot and Masselin in describing these morphological peculi- arities mention that when grown in bouillon it is a very slender bacillus; in milk it is a large bacillus; upon agar-agar and potato it is very thick and short; and in old gelatin cultures it forms very long filaments. 366