TYPHOID FEVER. 385 3. The dilution of the known quantity of blood con- tained in the tube with a measured quantity of the bouillon, or diluted agar-agar, culture of the bacillus. The standard tube that I adopted had a diameter about equal to the E string of a violin. A larger or smaller tube would have done quite as well. In such a tube the column of blood rises about an inch and weighs about 0.018 gram. As personal equation in judging size is a marked source of error, the experimenter must work out his own standard tube and not adopt that which has just been given. It is important to know the length of the column that has a certain weight, because, as each tube is not separately measured and graduated, the two chief means of avoiding error will be (i) to have the tubes as nearly as possible of equal diameter, and (2) to prove them to be so by observing that the columns of fluid they contain when used are of the same length, re- jecting one after another all the tubes which seem to the eye to have the proper caliber, but in which the column is obviously longer or shorter than that of the original tube. Keeping the standard tube before him as a guide, and using a Bunsen flame—which is better than a blowpipe, because it does not heat the glass so rapidly and make it so soft—the experimenter prepares one hundred or more capillary tubes as nearly as possible of the same size as that of the standardized tube. All the irregular sizes are rejected, and the suitable sizes cut into portions about three inches long. These pieces, which should number several hundred (it is economy to make a large number at a time), are now carefully sorted, being com- pared with the standard tube at both ends, and thrown away if too large or too $mall at either. It is best to sort the tubes twice on different days, or have several different persons go over them all. Of course, some tubes of quite different caliber will, in spite of all pre- cautions, remain in the bundle, but this is no serious matter, because at the last moment the height of the 25