HOG-CHOLERA. 417 Linear cultures upon agar-agar present a translucent, rather circumscribed, grayish, smeary layer. Upon potato a yellowish coating is formed, especially when the culture is kept in the thermostat Bouillon made with or without pepton is clouded in twenty-four hours. When the culture is allowed to stand for a couple of weeks without being disturbed a thin surface-growth can be observed. Milk is an excellent culture-medium, but is not visibly changed by the growth of these bacteria. Its reaction remains alkaline. The hog-cholera bacillus is a copious gas-producer, capable of breaking up sugars into CO2, H, and an acid, which, formed late, eventually checks its further devel- opment. No indol and no phenol are formed in the culture-media. The bacillus is hardy. Smith found it vital after being kept dry for four months. It ordinarily dies sooner, how- ever. The thermal death-point is 54° C., maintained for sixty minutes. The bacillus is markedly pathogenic for animals. Small quantities introduced subcutaneously into rabbits or mice kill them in from seven to twelve days. The animal appears quite well for three or four days, then begins to sit quietly in the cage and eat but little, or refuses to eat at all, until death takes place. In Smith's experiments one-four-millionth of a cubic centimeter of a bouillon culture injected subcutaneously into a rabbit was sufficient to cause its death. Before death the temperature abruptly rises 2°~3° C., and re- mains high until death. Larger quantities may kill in five days. Injected intravenously in small doses the ba- cillus may cause death in forty-eight hours. When the animal is subjected to a postmortem exam- ination the spleen is found enlarged, firm, and dark red in color. The liver is found to contain small yellowish- white necrotic areas which sometimes occur in one, some- times in several acini, and not infrequently surround the 27