CHAPTER VII. SWINE-PIvAGUE. THE bacillus of swine-plague, or the Bacillus suisepti- cus of Loffler and Schiltz, and Salmon and Smith, so closely resembles that of chicken-cholera that it is easily confounded with it, and, indeed, at one time, they were thought to be identical. The species has, however, suf- ficient well-marked characters to make its differentiation clear (Fig. 115). Swine-plague is a rather common and exceedingly FlG. 115.—Bacillus of swine-plague (from photograph by E. A. de Schweinitz), fatal disease. It occurs alone or in combination with hog-cholera (q. z>.), and because of the lack of suffi- ciently well-characterized symptoms—sick hogs appear- ing more or less alike—it is often mistaken for that disease. The confusion resulting from the mixed cases makes it impossible to determine exactly how fatal swine- plague may be in uncomplicated cases. 420