MOUSE-SEPTICEMIA. 427 perhaps identical, organism in the erysipelatous disease which attacks the swine of many parts of Europe. There seem to be certain slight morphological and developmental differences between these two organisms, but Baumgarten, Giinther, Sternberg, and others have regarded them as insufficient for the formation of sepa- rate species, and have boldly described the organisms as identical, while Lorenz has shown that immunity pro- duced in the rabbit by one bacillus protects against the other. The described differences are, indeed, so very small that I think it well to follow in the path of the ob- servers mentioned, pointing out in the description such points of difference as may arise. The bacilli are extremely minute, measuring about i.o x 0.2 /* (Sternberg). Fliigge, Frankel, and Eisenberg find the Bacillus erysipelas suis somewhat shorter and stouter than that of mouse-septicemia: there seems to be a "division of opinion upon this point. Sporulation has been described by some observers, but nothing definite seems to be known upon this point. Motility is ascribed by some (Schottelius and Frankel) to the Bacillus erysipelas suis, and is denied to the bacillus of mouse-septicemia by others. The truth seems to be that the motility of both organisms is a matter of doubt. No flagella have been demonstrated upon the bacillus. It grows quite well both at the room-temperature and at the temperature of incubation. It can grow well with or without oxygen, but perhaps flourishes a little better without than with it. It is killed by a temperature of 52° C. in fifteen minutes. The colonies upon gelatin plates can first be seen on the second or third day, FIG. n8.—Colony then appearing as transparent grayish of the bacillus of - . - . - * i /- mouse-septicemia: X specks with irregular borders, from go a*\ which many branched processes extend (Fig. 118). Frankel describes them as resembling in shape the familiar branched cells occupying the lacunae