440 PATHOGENIC BACTERIA. for experimental purposes into a plague district, and kept carefully isolated, died spontaneously of the disease, presumably because of insect infection. Yersin found that when cultivated for any length of time upon culture-media, especially agar-agar, the viru- lence was rapidly lost and the bacillus eventually died. On the other hand, when constantly inoculated from animal to animal the virulence of the bacillus is much increased. The bacillus probably attenuates readily. Kitasato found that it did not seem able to withstand desicca- tion longer than four days; and Yersin found that al- though it could be secured from the soil beneath an infected house at a depth of 4-5 c.cm., the virulence of such bacilli was lost Kitasato found that the bacillus was killed by two hours' exposure to 0.5 per cent, carbolic acid, and also by exposure to a temperature of 80° C. Ogata found that the bacillus was instantly killed by 5 per cent, car- bolic acid, and in fifteen minutes by 0.5 per cent, carbolic acid. In o. i per cent, sublimate solution it is killed in five minutes. It seems possible to make a diagnosis of the disease in doubtful cases by examining the blood, but it is admitted that a good deal of bacteriologic practice is necessary for the purpose. Abel finds that the blood may yield fallacious results because of the rather variable appearance of the bacilli, which are sometimes long and easily mistaken for other bacteria. He deems the best tests to be the inoculation of broth-cultures and subsequent inoculation into ani- mals, which he advises should have been previously vaccinated against the streptococcus. Plague bacilli persist in the urine a week after convalescence. Wilson, of the Hoagland Laboratory, found the thermal death-point of the organism was one or two degrees higher than that of the majority of pathogenic bacteria of the non-sporulating variety, and that, unlike cholera,