CHAPTER XIV. MEASLES. IN 1892, Canon and Pielicke, after the investigation of fourteen cases of measles, reported the discovery of a specific bacillus in the blood in that disease. The organism is quite variable in size, sometimes being quite small and resembling a diplococcus, some- times larger, and occasionally quite long, so that one bacillus may be as long as the diameter of a red blood- corpuscle. The discovery was made by means of a peculiar method of staining, as follows: The blood is spread in a very thin, even layer upon perfectly clean cover-glasses, and fixed by five to ten minutes' immersion in absolute alco- hol. These glasses are then placed in a stain consisting of Concentrated aqueous solution of methylene blue, 40; 0.25 per ct. solution of eosin in 70 per ct. alcohol, 20 ; Distilled water, 40, and stood in the incubator at 37° C. for from six to twenty-four hours. The bacilli do not all stain uni- formly. The discoverers of the bacillus claim to have made it grow several times in bouillon, but failed to induce a growth upon other media. The bacilli do not stain by Gram's method ; they seem to have motility; no spores were observed. They were found not only in the blood, but also in the secretions from the nose and eyes. They are said to persist through- out the whole course of the disease, even occasionally being found after the fever subsides. 451