452 PATHOGENIC BACTERIA. Czajrowski asserts that the bacillus can be cultivated upon various albuminous media except gelatin and agar. On glycerin agar-agar, especially with the addition of hematogen, and on blood-serum, they should grow in three or four days with an appearance like that of dew- drops. Under the microscope the colonies are structure- less. Mice die of a septicemia after a subcutaneous in- oculation. An interesting field for experimentation has been opened by Behla/ who seems to have successfully inocu- lated a sucking-pig with measles by introducing some of the nasal secretion from a case of measles into the nose, which had been prepared to receive it by scratching with a wire. 1 Centralbl.f. Bakt. u. Parasitenk., Oct. 24, 1896, Bd. xx., Nos. 16 and 17, p. 36.