D. MISCELLANEOUS. CHAPTER I. SYMPTOMATIC ANTHRAX. "SYMPTOMATIC ANTHRAX," charbon symptomatique, Rauschbrand, "quarter-evil," and "black-leg" are the various names applied to a peculiar disease of cattle com- mon during the summer season in the Bavarian Alps, Baden, Schleswig-Holstein, and some parts of the United States, characterized by the occurrence of irregular, em- physematous, crepitating subcutaneous pustules. Dis- eased areas are also found in the muscles, and are most common over the quarters, hence the name "quarter- evil." When incised the affected tissues have a dark color and contain a dark, bloody serum. The micro-organisinal nature of the disease had been suspected from an early date, but until the work of Faser and Bellinger the disease was confounded with anthrax. Still later, Arloing, Thomas, Cornevin, and Kitasato studied the disease, and succeeded in demon- strating the specific micro-organism, which Kitasato successfuly cultivated upon artificial media. The bacillus which the results of these labors brought to light is a rather large individual (3-5 p. in length, 0.5-0.6 /->- in breadth) with rounded ends. The bacilli are occasionally united in twos, but are never united in long chains (Fig. 128). They are actively motile (Thoinot and Masselin say scarcely at all motile) when examined in the hanging drop, but after a short time, perhaps because of the exposure to the oxygen required in the hanging-drop preparation, the movement is lost and the bacilli die. When stained by Loffler's method a con- siderable number of flagella can be demonstrated. Large •*£>*" - 453