SYMPTOMATIC ANTHRAX. 455 by an- The artificial cultivation which was achieved Kitasato is not more difficult than that of other aerobic organisms. In gelatin containing i to 2 per cent, of glucose or 5 per cent, of gly- cerin the organism develops quite well, the exact appearance depending somewhat upon the method by which it was planted. If the bacteria are dispersed through the culture-medium, the little colonies will appear in the lower parts of the tube as nearly spherical or slightly irreg- ular, clouded, liquefied areas con- taining bubbles of gas. If, on the other hand, the inoculation is made by a deep puncture, a stocking-shaped liquefaction forms along the whole lower part of the puncture, leads to considerable gas-production, and finally causes the liquefaction of all the gelatin except a thin superficial stratum. A peculiar acid odor is given off by the cultures. When the bacteria grow anaerobically in Esmarch tubes, the colonies are irregularly club-shaped or spheri- cal, with a tangled mass of delicate projecting filaments visible upon microscopic examination. In agar-agar the development is similar to that in gelatin. The gas-production is marked, the liquefaction of course absent, and the same acid odor pronounced. The bacillus also develops quite well in bouillon, the bacillary masses sinking to the bottom in the form of whitish flakes, while the gas-bubbles collect at the top. In this medium the virulence is unfortunately soon lost FIG. 129.—Bacillus of symp- tomatic anthrax: four-days-old culture in glucose-gelatin (Fran- kel and Pfeiffer).