456 PA THOGENIC BA CTERIA. Milk also seems to be a favorable culture-medium. The development of the bacilli is unaccompanied by coagulation. The virulence of the organism is soon lost in all culture-media, but it is said that the virulence of the culture can be much increased by the addition to it of 20 per cent, of lactic acid. When susceptible animals are inoculated with a minute portion of a pure culture in a little subcutaneous pocket, such as is described in connection with tetanus and malignant edema, the bacilli proceed to grow, pro- duce the well-known affection, and lead to a certainly fatal outcome. Cows seem to be the most susceptible animals, especially those between six months and four years old; sheep and goats are also sometimes affected. Curiously enough, animals that are immune to malig- nant edema are seemingly more susceptible to Rausch- brand. Of the laboratory animals, the guinea-pig is most susceptible; swine, dogs, and rabbits are very slightly susceptible; horses, goats, and birds are im- mune. The virulence of the bacillus is capable of ready attenuation by exposure to heat, by previous exposure of its spores to heat, or by drying combined with ex- posure to increased temperature. The inoculation of animals with the attenuated bacilli causes a very mild affection, followed by complete immunity to the viru- lent organisms. Upon this principle the "protective vaccinationn is based. Kitt has, however, shown that almost the same method as that employed by Pasteur for vaccination, against rabies may be employed against this bacillus, and that when muscular tissue from an animal dead of the disease is dried at a temperature of 33-35° C., and then exposed for six hours to a tempe- rature of ioo°-i04° C-> and a second portion is exposed in the same manner to a temperature of 9O°-95° C., an emulsion of this tissue in distilled water, salt-solution, or bouillon, injected into the animals to be protected, will