MALIGNANT EDEMA. 461 The bacillus of malignant edema stains well with ordi- nary cold aqueous solutions of the anil in dyes, but not by Gram's method. The organism is not a difficult one to secure in pure culture, as has been said, generally con- taminating tetanus cultures and being much more easy to se- cure by itself than its congener. It is most easily obtained from the edematous tissues of guinea- pigs arid rabbits inoculated with garden-earth. The colonies which develop upon the surface of gelatin kept free of oxygen appear to the naked eye as small shining bodies with liquid grayish-white contents. They gradually in- crease in circumference, but do not change their appearance. Under the microscope they ap- pear filled with a tangled mass of long filaments wrhich under a FIG. 131.—Bacillus of malig- - . .. -,..«• .,..., ., nant edema growing in gluco high power exhibit individual gelatin Frankel and Pfeiffer). lucose r). movement. The edges of the colony have a fringed appearance, much like the hay or potato bacillus. In gelatin tube-cultures the characteristic growth can- not be observed in a puncture, because of the air which remains in the path of the wire. The best preparation is made by heating the gelatin to expel the air it may contain, inoculating while still liquid, then replacing the air by hydrogen, and sealing the tube. In such a tube the bacilli develop near the bottom. The appearance of the growth is highly typical, as globular circumscribed areas of cloudy liquefaction result (Fig. 131), and may con-