CHAPTER III. BACILLUS AEROGENES CAPSULATUS. THIS very interesting micro-organism was first de- scribed by Welch, and subsequently carefully studied by Welch and Nuttall,1 and Welch and Plexner.2 It was first secured from the body of a man dying suddenly of aneurysm with a peculiar condition of gaseous emphy- sema of the subcutaneous tissue and internal organs, and a copious formation of gas in the veins and arteries. The blood was thin and watery, of a lac-color, and everywhere contained large and small gas-bubbles. The blood-alteration was associated with a change in its coloring-matter, which dissolved out of the corpuscles and stained the tissues a deep red. The blood was found to contain many bacilli, which were also obtained from the various organs, especially in the neighborhood of the gas-bubbles. The bacilli were in nearly pure culture. The bacillus is a large organism, measuring 3-5 /* in length, about the thickness of the anthrax bacillus, with ends slightly rounded, or, when joined, square (Fig. 132). It occurs chiefly in pairs and in irregular masses, but not in chains, in this particular differing very markedly from the anthrax bacillus. In culture-media the bacillus is usually straight, with slightly rounded ends. In old cultures the rods may be slightly bent, and involution- forms occur. When several bacilli are joined together the opposed ends are square-cut The bacillus varies somewhat in size, especially in length, in different cul- ture-media. It usually appears thicker and more vari- 1 Bull of the Johns Hopkins Hospital, July and Aug., 1892, vol. viii., No. 24. 2 Jour, of Exper. Med., vol. i., No. I, Jan., 1896, 463