BACILLUS AERO GENES CAPSULATUS. make their appearance in plain agar as well as in sugar- agar, though, of course, less plentifully. They first ap- pear in the line of growth; afterward throughout the agar, often at a distance from the actual growth. Any fluid collecting about the bubbles or at the surface of the agar-agar may be turbid from the presence of bacilli. The gas-production is more abundant at incubation- than at room-temperatures. The agar-agar is not liquefied by the growth of the bacillus, but is often broken up into fragments and forced into the upper part of the tube by the excessive gas-pro- duction. In its growth the bacillus produces acid in considerable amount. In bouillon growth does not occur in tubes exposed to the air, but when the tubes are placed in Buchner's jars, or kept under anaerobic conditions, it occurs with, abun- dant gas-formation, especially in glucose-bouillon, with the formation of a frothy layer on the surface. The growth is very rapid in its development, the bouillon becoming clouded in two to three hours. After a few days the bacilli sediment and the bouillon again becomes clear. The reaction of the bouillon becomes strongly acid. In milk the growth is rapid and luxuriant under anaerobic conditions, but does not take place in cul- tures exposed to the air. The milk is coagulated in from twenty-four to forty-eight hours, the coagulum being either uniform or firm, retracted, and furrowed by gas-bubbles. When litmus has been added to the milk it becomes decolorized when the culture is kept without oxygen, but turns pink when it is exposed to the air. The bacillus will also grow upon potato when the tubes are enclosed in an anaerobic apparatus. There is a copious gas-development in the fluid at the bottom and sides of the tube, so that the potato becomes surrounded by a froth. After complete absorption of the oxygen a