468 . PATHOGENIC BACTERIA. thin, moist, grayish-white growth takes place upon the surface of the potato. The vital resistance of the organism is not great. Its thermal death-point was found to be 58° C. after ten minutes' exposure. Cultures made by displacing the air with hydrogen are less vigorous than those in which the oxygen is absorbed from the air by pyrogallic acid. It was found that in the former class of cultures the bacillus generally died in three days, while in the absorption ex- periments it was kept alive at the body-temperature for one hundred and twenty-three days. It is said to live longer in plain than in sugar-agar. To keep the cultures alive it has been recommended to seal the agar-agar tube after two or three days' growth. It is believed that the natural habitat of the bacterium is the soil, but there is reason to think that it occurs in the intestine at times, and it may occasionally be found upon the skin. The pathogenic powers of the bacillus are limited, and while in some cases it seems to be the cause of a fatal outcome in infected cases, its power to do mischief in the body seems to depend upon the pre-existence of other depressing and devitalizing conditions predisposing to its growth. Being anaerobic, the bacilli are unable to live in the circulating blood, but they grow in old clots and in cav- ities, such as the uterus, etc., where but little oxygen ever enters, and from such areas enter the blood and are distributed. In support of these views Welch and Nuttall cite the result of inoculation into healthy and diseased rabbits. When a healthy rabbit is injected with 2^/2 c.cm. of a fresh sugar-bouillon into the ear-vein it generally recov- ers without any evident symptoms. One of their rabbits was pregnant, and at time of injection was carrying two dead embryos. After similar injection with but i c.cm. of the culture it died in twenty-one hours. It seems that the bacilli were first able to secure a foothold in the dead