INDEX. 485 Bacteria, growth of, conditions in- fluencing, 45 association with other bac- teria, 47 electricity, 47 light, 46 moisture, 46 movement, 47 nutriment, 45 oxygen, 45 reaction, 46 temperature, 48 .ar-rays, 49 in gelatin, 148, 149 in air, 43, 183 determination of, 165 number of, 167 quantitative estimation of, I65. in body-juices and tissues a sign of disease, 43 influence of anilin dyes on, 30 of nuclear stains on, 30 in ice, 171 injections of, into animals, 158, 159, I60 in milk, 57 in soil, 44, 174 estimation of the number of, '75 in tissue, Gram's method of staining, 97 introduction of, into animals, by injection, 158-160 in water, 44 apparatus for counting, 169, 170 filtration as a means of di- minishing the number of, 172 quantitative determination of, 169, 170 isolation of, 139 liquefaction of gelatin by, 53 locomotory powers of, 31 measurement of, 104 methods of cultivating, 139 Esmarch tubes, 143 Petri dishes, 143 Bacteria, methods of cultivating, plate-cultures, 140 of observing, 86 microscopic examination of, 145 morphology of, 36 multiplication of, 33 non-chromogenic, 52 non-pathogenic, 57 of specific disease, 182 organization of, 40 parasitic, 49 pathogenic, 57 in the air, 164 means of entrance into the tissues, 58 peptonization of mik by, 56 photogenic, 50, 56 photographing of, 104 production of acids and alkalies by, 54 of aromatics by, 56 of disease by, 57 of gases by, 54 of odors by, 55 of phosphorescence by, 56 rate of development of, 33 recognition of, 163 reduction of nitrites by, 56 results of vital activity in, 50 saprogenic, 50 size of, 32 stained or unstained, examina- tion of, 87 staining of, in sections of tissue, 94 LofBer's method, 95 Pfeiffer's method, 96 study of, in the stained condition, 90 taken in respiration, 60 that do not stain by Gram's method, 99 thermal death-point of, 176 unstained, method of examining, 88 weight of, 33 zymogenic, 50 Bacteriologic examination of air, value of, 167