INDEX. 491 Koch's apparatus for coagulating and sterilizing blood-serum, 133 method of determining the germi- cidal value of reagents, 178 new tuberculin, 231-236 injection of, in man, 234 steam apparatus for sterilization of culture-medium, 108 syringe, 159 Koplick's bacillus, 476-478 Kiihne's carbol-methylene blue, 253 LENSES, high-power, i:se of, 87 low-power, use of, 87 oil-immersion, use of, 87 Leprosy, 241 anesthetic, 247 bacillus of, 242 cause of, 241 discovery of, 28 nodes of, 246 Leptothrix, 33, 39 Leuconostoc, 38 Levelling apparatus for pouring plate-cultures, 140 Liborius' method of making anaer- obic cultures, 153 * Life, spontaneous generation of, doctrine of, 18 Ligatures, disinfection of, 116, 117 Light, influence of, on growth of bacteria, 46 selection of, in study of bacteria by means of the microscope, 8? Liquid culture-media, development of bacteria in, 147 Liquids, sterilization of, in Listerism, 182 origin of, 27 Litmus milk as a culture-medium, 135 Loftier's alkaline methylene-blue, 96 blood-serum mixture, 286 as a culture-medium, 133 method of staining flagella, 101 Loffler's method of staining sec- tions, 95 Lugol's solution, dilute, for stain- ing bacteria in tissue, 97 Lymphocytes, 71 MADURA-FOOT, 266 cause of, 267 streptothrix of, 268 Malignant edema, 459 Mallein, 254 injections of, in glanders, 254 Measles, 451 bacillus of, 451 cultures of, 452 discovery of, 29 staining of, 451 Meat-infusion, 125 Meat-poisoning, cause of, 51 Merismopedia, 36, 37 Methods of observing bacteria, 86 Methyl-violet, antiseptic value of, destructive and inhibitory, 114 Meyer's bacteriological syringe, 159 Micrococci, 36 Micrococcus gonorrhoeae, 201 tetragenus, 200, 443 cultures of, 444 pathogenesis of, 445 staining of, 444 ! Micro-organisms, living, hanging- drop method of examina- tion, 88 methods of destroying, 105 on the skin, 183 Microscope, essential features of, 86 Microtome sections of gelatin growths, 149 Milk as a culture-medium, 135 as a medium for the cultivation of the bacillus diphtheriae, 291 bacteria in, 57 peptonization of, by bacteria, 56 Mineral salts, effect of, in bacterial cultures, 49