INDEX. 495 Steam sterilizer, Kny-Sprague, 109 superheated, for quick steriliza- tion of culture-media, no Sterilization and disinfection, 105 fractional, 108 intermittent, 109 of. air of the sick-room, 118 of blood-serum, Koch's appa- ratus for, 133 of culture-media, 108 of dejecta, 119 of instruments, etc., used in ex- perimentation, 106 of liquids, in of porcelain filters, 112 of surgical dressings, ligatures, etc., 116, 117 Sterilizer, Arnold's, 108 hot-air, 107 Kny-Sprague, 109 Koch's, 108 Sternberg's milk, 177 method of determining germi- cidal value of reagents, 179 Stock-solutions for staining, 92 Streptococci, 36, 37 in intestinal canal of infants, 193 Streptococcus conglomerate, 191 diffusus, 191- erysipelatis, 194 as a therapeutic measure in treatment of tumors, 196 longus, 190 pyogenes, 190 growth of, 191 staining of, 190 virulence of, 192 vitality in culture, 191 Strepto-diplococcus, 37 Streptothrix, 39 Madtirse, 268 cultures of, 267, 268 of farcin du bceuf, 270, 271 Stroke-cultures, 147 Subcutaneous injections for the in- troduction of bacteria into animals, 158 Sucholo-albumin, 418 Sucholotoxin, 418 Suppuration, 182 air as a factor in the causation of, 183 Suppuration, causes of, 183 Surgery, antiseptic, 182 Sutures, disinfection of, 117 Swine-plague, 420 bacillus of, 420, 421 culture of, 422 pathogenesis of, 422 staining of, 422 lesions in, 421 symptoms of, 421 Symptomatic anthrax, 453 Syphilis, 255 bacillus of, 256 staining of, 255, 256 Van Niessen's, 257 Syringes, disinfection of, 159 for subcutaneous injections of bacteria into animals, 158, 159 TEMPERATURE, influence of, on growth of bacteria, 48 Tetanin, 280 Tetano-toxin, 280 Tetanus, 274 and hydrophobia, parallelism existing between, 307 antitoxic serum of, preparation of, 282 therapeutic value of, 282 bacillus of, 274 cultures of, 277 discovery of, 29 distribution of, in nature, 278 method of cultivating, 277 -bottle, 278 pathology of, 281 susceptibility to, of different ani- mals, 279 -toxin, nature of, 280 preparation of, 281 Tetragenococci, 36, 37, 443 Thermal death-point of bacteria, determination of, 176