496 INDEX. Toxin elaborated by the bacillus diphtherias, 297 Toxins, rapid filtration of, appa- ratus for, 112 Toxo-phylaxin, 78 Toxo-sozin, 78 Trillat autoclave, 115 TR-tuberculin, 233 injection of, in man, 234 objection to, 235 Tubercle bacilli, 209 channels by which they enter the organism, 223 cultivation of, 217-221 discovery of, 28 growth of, 219 in sections of tissue, 216, 217 methods of demonstrating the presence of, 21$, 217 in sputum, demonstration of, 211, 213 Ehrlich's method, 212 Gabbett's method, 214 Koch-Ehrlich method, 212 Ziehl's method, 213 pure cultures of, 218 toxic products of, 226, 229 Tubercles, 226, 227, 228 Tuberculin, 230 action of, 230 Koch's new, 231-236 preparation of, 231 result of the injection of, 231 TO, 233 TR, 233 Tuberculosis, 208 bacillus of, 209-229. See Tuber- cle bacilli. discovery of, 28 fowl-, 238 gallinarum, 238 hygienic precautions recom- mended for preventing the spread of, 222, 223 latent, 229 macroscopic lesions of, 224 Tuberculous patients, sanitary sputum-cup for use of, 120 TubeA Sedgwick's, for air-examina- tion, 167 Tubes, Esmarch, 143 for securing definite quantities of blood for typhoid test, 384-390 Tumors, treatment of, by inocula- tion with the streptococcus erysipelatis, 196 Tyndall on the " germ theory" of disease, 25 Typhoid fever, 366 bacillus of, 366 cultures of, 369 differentiation of, from bacil- lus coli communis, 371— 379> 402 discovery of, 28 resistant powers of, 368 staining of, 367 comparative immunity of ani- mals to, 379-382 inoculation experiments on animals, 379 prophylaxis in, 379 WidaFs serum-test for, 386, 387 pig-, 4i3 serum, action of, 381 Typhotoxin, 378 Tyrotoxicon, 51 UNNA'S method of staining tubercle bacilli in sections of tissue, 216 VAN NIESSEN'S syphilis-bacillus, 257 Vibrio, 39 Schuylkiliensis, 342 colonies of, 342 growth of, 343 pathogeny of, 343 Vital activity in bacteria, results of, 50 WATER, bacteria in, quantitative determination of, 169 bacteriologic examination of, 169