diagrams are supplied of the skin areas, corresponding to the different nerve roots as mapped out by Thorburn, Starr, and Head. The chapter on the Thorax and its Viscera could not be better done ; it is everywhere obvious that the state- ments made are the result of careful thought and experience. The latest methods of diagnosis in abdominal disease, ' the gastrodiaphane of Einhorn,3 and Torck's gyromele all find their proper place. There is a good clinical account of the abnormalities of blood and urine, of forms of vomiting, and types of spiita. The index, forty-six pages in length, is excellent. DB. HARE is TO BE CONGRATU- LATED ON HAVING WRITTEN A MOST STIMULATING AND SUGGESTIVE BOOK."—Lancet. "No better criterion of the value of this handsome and beautifully illustrated volume can be given than the fact that the first edition, which was published in August, 1896, was so rapidly exhausted that a second edition had to be issued last September. The book was written as a guide to bedside practice, and that the profession needed such a book is proved by the welcome given to the first edition. A striking feature of the book is the wealth of illustration, more especi- ally of the appearances, attitudes and deformities characteristic of certain diseases. For example, pictures of acromegaly, exophthalmic goitre, spastic paraplegia, paralysis agitans, pseudo-hypertrophic paralysis, hysterical spasm, the ape hand in progressive muscular atrophy, tabetic ulcer, etc., will enable the reader to recognise these diseases at a glance. Beautiful coloured pictures of the eye- ground in health and in certain medical diseases are given. . . . " Much can be Jearnt at a glance from the coloured charts of localisation of cortical centres, and from the equally beautifully executed diagram showing course of motor fibres from cerebrum anl cord to the periphery. The matter is worthy of the illustrations, and greater praise cannot be given to it. It is made very readily accessible by a very full index, which fills more than forty pages."— Quarterly Medical Journal. " The warm appreciation of Dr. Hare's treatise, which we expressed in our columns only a few months since, has been fully justified by the rapidity with which a second edition has followed upon the first. The profession were in need of a book dealing with diagnosis from the standpoint of the symptoms, and this gap has now been satisfactorily filled. The second edition is no mere replica of the first, but the author has made a substantial addition of material in every part. We notice also several new engravings. However, it is high testimony to the care bestowed upon the former edition that the only important alterations in the latter are of the nature of addition and not of revision. We congratulate the author on a book that lias been of value to a very varied class of readers, both students and practitioners."—Practitioner. HARE.—A Text-book of Practical Therapeutics, with especial reference to the Application of Remedial Measures to Disease, and their Em- ployment upon a Rational Basis. By HOBAKT AMORY HARE, M.D., B.Sc., Professor of Therapeutics and Materia, Medica in the Jefferson Medical College of Philadelphia ; Physician to the Jefferson Medical College Hospital; Laureate of the Royal Academy of Medicine in Belgium, of the Medical • Society of London ; Corresponding Fellow of the Sociedad Espanola de Higiene of Madrid ; Member of the Association of American Physicians ; Author of ** A Text-Book of Practical Diagnosis," etc. Sixth Edition, en- larged, thoroughly revised and largely rewritten, in one royal octavo volume of 758 pages. Price, 21s net. " The fact that this work has passed throiigh five editions in seven years, and that a sixth is now called for, is sufficient evidence that not only has a want been supplied, but that the author has been successful in his endeavours to carry out his intention of producing a work on therapeutics which should teach a distinct practical application of remedial agents in the treatment of disease, and their em- ployment upon a rational basis. " The book is divided into four parts. Part I. is concerned with general thera- peutical considerations, modes of administering drugs, dosage, strength and reliability of drugs, classification of drugs, etc. * B