paratus, and it is interesting to note that he is inclined to accept the result of the researches of Professor George S. Huntingdon, who asserts that the vesiculse serainales never contain semen, and that they do not act as places of storage of this fluid, but they provide a special form of mucus to dilute and carry on the semen. Impotence and sterility in the male are thoroughly considered, and a chapter is devoted to the mental effects of sexual disorders. With regard to sterility in the male, the author thinks that probably in one case in six of unfruit- ful marriages this is the cause. The second half of the book deals with sexual disorders in the female. The final chapter treats of a peculiar new growth of the vulva, three examples of which Dr. Taylor has seen. He has already written on this condition in the American Journal of the Medical Sciences. In some respects it resembled a tertiary syphilitic condition, but potassium iodide seemed to have no effect upon it, and microscopically it appeared to be inflammatory. THE VOLUME IS A TRUSTWORTHY TREATISE ON A DIFFICULT SUBJECT."—Lancet. THAYER.—Lectures on the Malarial Fevers. By WILLIAM SYDNEY THAYER, M.D., Associate Professor of Medicine in the Johns Hopkins University. Small Svo, 326 pages. With 19 charts, and 3 lithographic plates showing the Parasite of Tertian, Quartan, and JEstivo-Autumnal Fevers. Cloth, 12s net. THOMAS.—Abortion and its Treatment: From a Standpoint of Practical Experience. By T. GAILLARD THOMAS, M.D., Emeritus ~Prof. of Obstetrics and Gynaecology. Crown Svo, 5s. THOMPSON.—Practical Dietetics, with. Special Eeference to Diet in Disease. By W. G-ILMAN THOMPSON, M.D., Professor of Materia Medica, Therapeutics, and Clinical Medicine in the University of the City of New York ; Visiting Physician to the Presbyterian and Bellevue Hospitals, New York. Large Svo, 830 pages, illustrated. Cloth. Price 21s net. " We quite agree with the author that the subjects which are so fully discussed in this volume are frequently dismissed in brief and indefinite phrases by the writers upon the theory and practice of medicine. . . . The fact that the author has written a successful book is due not only to his knowledge as a chemist and his studies as a physiologist, but as well as to the fact that he is a practical physi- cian. ... On the whole, the book shows that the author has industriously col- lected the best opinions upon the subject, that he has drawn from the results of his own experience, that he has endeavoured to bring the findings of the laboratory into practical relations with the observations of the consulting-room, and, finally, to produce a book of value to the practising physician. We believe that he has succeeded admirably in presenting a useful and readable book."—The American Journal of the, Medical Sciences. " The book will be of great assistance to the practitioner in the dietetic treat- ment of diseases that are influenced by proper feeding to the trained nurse in hospital and private nursing, and as a guide in the administration of proper food' to infants and invalids in the home."—College and Clinical Record. "It is a great pleasure to welcome Dr. Thompson's work on dietetics. ITor a long time we have longed for a book giving detailed and accurate information as to foods, their nutritive values, and their appropriate uses in disease. Other books have appeared, written by English and Continental writers, but they have not been suited to American needs. . . . The book is encyclopedic in its com- pleteness. . . . We recommend it most heartily. It fills a place in medicine more important even than therapeutics, and one which has been too much neglected."—University Medical Magazine. " Fewer subjects in medicine present greater difficulties to an author than that of dietetics ; and Dr. Thompson has done the profession a service in collecting so much information on this subject, and presenting it in so systematic and attrac- tive a manner."—Boston Medical and Surgical Journal.