554 C&OC8 §3 Scientific Library UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE « i * * «8 «§ 1 16-53001-1 GPO » ' ■ I ■ . . ■ s I V ' '■ f I « / . PHILOSOPHICAL TRANSACTIONS, OF THE ROYAL SOCIETY LONDON. FOR THE YEAR MDCCXCVIH. M ' 7 PART 1. LONDON, SOLD BY PETER ELMSLY, PRINTER TO THE ROYAL SOCIETY. MDCCXCVIII. - V i />' I 4 a ' \ -< * ui U /ur/ozop -li f ■ V ■ - • f ' { , 3 r\n J • - • ’ Hi ; < f ! . • ■: 4 . • : . - V ADVERTISEMENT. The Committee appointed by the Royal Society to direct the pub- lication of the Philosophical Transactions , take this opportunity to acquaint the Public, that it fully appears, as well from the council- books and journals of the Society, as from repeated declarations which have been made in several former Transactions , that the printing of them was always, from time to time, the single act of the respective Secretaries, till the Forty-seventh Volume : the Society, as a Body, never interesting themselves any further in their publication, than by occasionally recommending the revival of them to some of their Se- cretaries, when, from the particular circumstances of their affairs, the Transactions had happened for any length of time to be intermitted. And this seems principally to have been done with a view to satisfy the Public, that their usual meetings were then continued, for the im- provement of knowledge, and benefit of mankind, the great ends of their first institution by the Royal Charters, and which they have ever since steadily pursued. But the Society being of late years greatly enlarged, and their com- munications more numerous, it was thought advisable, that a Com- mittee of their members should be appointed to reconsider the papers read before them, and select out of them such as they should judge most proper for publication in the future Transactions ; which was accordingly done upon the 26th of March, 1752. And the grounds A 2 z * n of their choice are, and will continue to be, the importance and sin- gularity of the subjects, or the advantageous manner of treating them; without pretending to answer for the certainty of the facts, or pro- priety of the reasonings, contained in the several papers so published, which must still rest on the credit or judgment of their respective authors. It is likewise necessary on this occasion to remark, that it is an esta- blished rule of the Society, to which they will always adhere, never to give their opinion, as a Body, upon any subject, either of Nature or Art, that comes before them. And therefore the thanks, which are frequently proposed from the Chair to be given to the authors of such papers as are read at their accustomed meetings, or to the persons through whose hands they receive them, are to be considered in no other light than as a matter of civility, in return for the respect shewn to the So- ciety by those communications. The like also is to be said with re- gard to the several projects, inventions, and curiosities of various kinds, which are often exhibited to the Society ; the authors whereof, or those who exhibit them, frequently take the liberty to report, and even to certify in the public news-papers, that they have met with the highest applause and approbation. And therefore it is hoped, that no regard will hereafter be paid to such reports, and public notices ; which in some instances have been too lighdy credited, to the dishonour of the Society. CONTENTS. * I. The Bakerian Lecture. Experiments upon the Resistance of Bodies moving in Fluids. By the Rev. Samuel Vince, A. M. F. R. S. Plumian Professor of Astronomy and Experimental Philosophy in the University of Cambridge. Page 1 II. Experiments and Observations , tending to show the Compo- sition and Properties of Urinary Concretions. By George Pearson, M. D. F. R. S. p .15 III. On the Discovery of four additional Satellites of the Georgium Sidus. The retrograde Motion of its old Satel- lites announced; and the Cause of their Disappearance at certain Distances from the Planet explained. By William Herschel, LL.D. F. R. S. p. 47 IV. An Inquiry concerning the Source of the Heat which is excited by Friction. By Benjamin Count of Rumford, F. R. S. M. R. I. A. p. 80 V. Observations on the Foramina Thebesii of the Heart. By Mr. John Abernethy, F. R. S. Communicated by Everard Home, Esq. F. R. S. p. 103 VI. An Analysis of the earthy Substance from New South IFales, called Sydneia or Terra Australis. By Charles Hatchett, Esq. F. R. S. p. 1 1 o C Vi 3 VII. Abstract of a Register of the Barometer , Thermometer , and Rain , at Lyndon, in Rutland, for the Tear 1796. By Thomas Barker, Esq. Communicated by Mr. Timothy Lane, F. R. S. p 1^Q VIII. An Account of some Endeavours to ascertain a Standard of JF eight and Measure . By Sir George Shuckburgh Evelyn, Bart. F. R. S. and A. S. p_ 19^ IX. A new Method of computing the Value of a slowly con- verging Series , of which all the Terms are affirmative . By the Rev. John Hellins, F. R. S. and Vicar of Potter’s- Pury, in Northamptonshire. In a Letter to the Rev. Dr. Maske- lyne, F. R. S. and Astronomer Royal. p. 183 APPENDIX. Meteorological Journal kept at the Apartments of the Royal So- ciety, by Order of the President and Council. / PHILOSOPHICAL TRANSACTION S. I. The Bakerian Lecture. Experiments upon the Resistance oj Bodies moving in Fluids. By the Rev. Samuel Vince, A. M. F. R. S. Plumian Professor of Astronomy and Experimental Philosophy in the University of Cambridge. Read November 9, 1797. In a former Paper upon the Motion of Fluids, I stated the difficulties to which the theory is subject, and showed its in- sufficiency to determine the time of emptying vessels, even in the most simple cases ; I also proved, by actual experiments, that, in many instances, there was no agreement between their results and those deduced from theory. The great difference between the experimental and theoretical conclusions, in most of the cases which respect the times in which vessels empty themselves through pipes, necessarily leads us to suspect the truth of the theory of the action of fluids under all other cir- cumstances. In the doctrine of the resistances of fluids, we see strong reasons to induce us to believe, that the theory can- not generally lead us to any true conclusions. When a body mdccxcviii. B 2 Mr. Vince's Experiments on the Resistance moves in a fluid, its particles strike the body; and, in our theo- retical considerations, after this action, the particles are sup- posed to produce no further effect, but are conceived to be, as it were, annihilated. But, in fact, this cannot be the case; and what we are to allow for their effect afterwards, is beyond the reach of mere theoretical investigation. Whatever theory therefore we can admit, must be that which is founded upon such experiments as include in them every principle which is subject to any degree of uncertainty. We must therefore have recourse to experiments, in order to establish any conclusions upon which we may afterwards reason. In the paper above mentioned, I described a machine to find the resistances of bodies moving in fluids ; since which time, I have made a va- riety of experiments with it, upon bodies moving both in air and water, and I have every reason to be satisfied of its great accuracy. In this paper, I propose to examine the resistance which arises from the action of non-elastic fluids upon bodies. This subject divides itself into two parts ; we may consider the action of water at rest upon a body moving in it, or we may consider the action of the water in motion upon the body at rest. We will first give the result of our experiments in the former case, and compare them with the conclusions deduced from theory. Now the radius of the axis of the machine made use of in these experiments was 0,2117 in. the area of the four planes was 3,73 in. the distance of their centres of resistance from the axis was 7,57 in. and they moved with a velocity of o,66 feet in a second. The first column of the following table exhibits the angles at which the planes struck the fluid ; the second column shows the resistance by experiment, in the direction of their motion, in Troy ounces; the third column 3 of Bodies moving in Fluids . gives the resistance by theory, assuming the perpendicular re- sistance to be the same as by experiment ; the fourth column shows the power of the sine of the angle to which the resistance is proportional. * • * / .> o t / iC * \ 7 -l‘S : ' ry a / 70*7? : tr J, / 4% 2 fji Angle. Experiment. 1 Theory. . Power. 10° ■ 0,0112 0,0012 i>73 20 0,0364 0,0093 1.73 30 0,0769 0,0290 i>54 40 0,1174 0,06 16 ; ,50 0,1352 0,1043 L51 60 . 0,1902 0,1476 i>38 70 0,2125 0,1926 i,4Q 80 0,2237 0,2217 2,41 30 0,2321 0,2321 — 5 t I O L<\ $*v«» ♦ C j ? IV M-* / 0>tCfO*- • * / 4 S ? J- J X2 W' yi- J ' /)//} y 'O $ :■ Vv/-; / 7- , ,, / * L- — • / 1 * '// . */£'/■$ 0% : — — / ^ ^ V» * I 1 * /> -■? *2 o A‘* ^ ^.,V x The fourth column was thus computed : Let s be the sine of the angle to radius unity, r the resistance at that angle, and suppose r to vary as then iw: r :: 0,2321 : r, hence, sK = 5^7? and consequently m = i and, by sub- stituting for r and 5 their several corresponding values, we get the respective values of m, which are the numbers in the fourth column. Now the theory supposes the resistance to vary as the cube of the sine; whereas, the resistance decreases from an angle of 90°, in a less ratio than that, but not as any constant power of the sine, nor as any function of the sine and cosine, that I have yet discovered. Hence, the actual resistance is al- ways greater than that which is deduced from theory, assuming the perpendicular resistance to be the same; the reason of which, in part at least, is, that in our theory we neglect the B 2 4 Mr , Vince’s Experiments on the Resistance whole of that part of the force which, after resolution, acts parallel to the plane; whereas (from the experiments which will be afterwards mentioned), it appears that part of that force acts upon the plane; also, the resistance of the fluid which escapes from the plane, into the surrounding fluid, may probably tend to increase the actual resistance above that which the theory gives, in which that consideration does not enter; but, as this latter circumstance affects the resistance at all angles, and we do not know the quantity of effect which it produces, we cannot say how it may affect the ratio of the resistances at different angles. In theory, the resistance perpendicular to the planes is sup- posed to be equal to the weight of a column of fluid, whose base = 3,73 in. and altitude =? the space through which a body must fall to acquire the velocity of o ,66 feet; now that space is 0,08124 in. consequently the weight of the column = 0,1598 Troy oz. ; but the actual resistance was found to be = 0,2321 oz. Hence, the actual resistance of the planes : the resistance in our theory :: 0,2321 ; 0,1598, which is nearly as 3 : 2. I am aware that experiments have been made upon the re- sistances of bodies moving in water, which have agreed with our theory. An extensive set was instituted by D’Alembert, Condorcet, and Bossut, the result of which very nearly coincided with theory, so far as regards the absolute quantity of the perpendicular resistance. Their experiments were made upon floating bodies, drawn upon the fluid by a force acting upon them in a direction parallel to the surface of the fluid. There can be no doubt but that these experiments were very accurately made. The experiments here related were also re- peated so often, and with so much care, and the results always of Bodies moving in Fluids. 5 agreed so nearly, that there can be no doubt but that they give the actual resistance to a very considerable degree of accuracy. In our experiments, the planes were immersed at some depth in the fluid ; in the other case, the bodies floated on the surface ; and I can see no way of accounting for the difference of the resistances, but by supposing that, at the surface of the fluid, the fluid from the end of the body may escape more easily than when the body is immersed below the surface ; but this, I confess, appears by no means a satisfactory solution of the difficulty. The resistances of bodies descending in fluids mani- festly come under the case of our experiments. Two semi-globes were next taken, and made to revolve with their flat sides forwards. The diameter of each was 1,1 in. the distance of the centre of resistance from the axis was 6, 22 in. and they moved with a velocity of 0,542 feet in a second ; and the resistance was found to be 0,08339 oz. by experiment. By theory, the resistance is 0,05496 oz. ; hence, the resistance by experiment : the resistance by theory : : 0,08339 : 0,05496, agreeing very well with the abovementioned proportion. But, when the spherical sides moved forwards with the same velo- city, the resistance was 0,034 oz- Hence, the resistance on the spherical side of a semi-globe : resistance on its base :: 0,034 : 0,08339; but this is not the proportion of the resist- ance of a perfect globe to the resistance of a cylinder of the same diameter, moving with the same velocity, because the resistance depends upon the figure of the back part of the body. I therefore took two cylinders, of the same diameter as the two semi-globes, and of the same weight; and, giving them the same velocity, I found the resistance to be 0,07998 oz. ; is O' OQfAjOj 0 • 8 9 9fc 3,/ O' 0$7$OfZ ' Oqi A W? (yO%77JHQA 4 I J J * / l/ 6 Mr. Vince’s Experiments on the Resistance therefore the resistance on the flat side of a semi-globe : the resistance of a cylinder of the same diameter, and moving with the same velocity : : 0,08339 : 0,07998. This difference can arise only from the action of the fluid on the back side of the semi-globe, moving with its flat side forwards, being less than that on the back of the cylinder, in consequence of which the semi-globe suffered the greater resistance. The resistance of the cylinders, thus determined directly by experiment, agrees very well with the foregoing experiments. The resistance, cceteris paribus , varies as the square of the velocity very nearly, and may be taken so for all practical purposes, as I find by repeated experiments, made both upon air and water, in the manner described in my former paper. Hence, for different planes, the resistance varies as the area x the square of the ve- locity. Now the resistance of the planes whose area was 3,73 in. moving with a velocity of o ,66 feet in a second, was found to be = 0,2321 oz. Also, the area of the two cylinders was 1,9 in. and their velocity was 0,542 feet in a second ; to find, there- fore, the resistance of the cylinders from that of the planes, we have o ,66* x 3,73 : 0,542* x 1,9 :: 0,2321 oz : 0,07973 oz. for the resistance on the cylinders, differing but a very little from 0,07998 oz. the resistance found from direct experiment. Now, to get the resistance on a perfect globe, we must con- sider, that when the back part is spherical, the resistance is greater than when it is flat, in the ratio of 0,08339 : 07998 ; hence, the resistance on a globe : the resistance on a semi- globe in the same ratio ; but the resistance on the semi-globe was 0,034 oz. hence, 0,07998 : 0,08339 : : 0,034 oz. : 0,0354 oz. the resistance of a globe ; consequently, the resistance of a globe : the resistance of a cylinder of the same diameter, mov- ’ a / / of Bodies moving in Fluids. 7 ing with the same velocity in water :: 0,0354 : 0,07998 :: 1 : 2,23. We proceed next to compare the actual resistance of a globe with the resistance assumed in our theory. In the first place, the absolute quantity of resistance has been found to be greater than that which we use in theory, in the ratio of 0,2321 : 0,1598; but, by theory, the resistance of the globe : the resistance of the cylinder :: 1 : 2, or as 1,115 : 2,23; hence, by theory, we make the resistance of the globe too great, in the ratio of 3.115 : 1 » and it is too small, from the former consideration, in the ratio of 0,1598 : 0,2321; therefore the actual resistance of the globe : the resistance in theory :: 0,2321 : 0,1598 x 1.115 :: 0,2321 : 0,1782, which is nearly in the ratio of 4 : 3. T.hus far we have considered the resistance of bodies moving in a fluid ; we come next to consider the action of a fluid in motion upon a body at rest. A vessel 5 feet high was filled with a fluid, which could be discharged by a stop-cock, in a direction parallel to the horizon. The cock being opened, the curve which the stream described was marked out upon a plane set perpendicular to the horizon ; and, by examining this curve, it was found to be a very accu- rate parabola, the abscissa of which was 13,85 in. and the ordi- nate was 50 in. hence, the latus rectum was 180,5 in. one- fourth of which is 45,1 in. which is the space through which a body must fall to acquire the velocity of projection ; hence, that ve- locity was 189,6 in. in a second. And here, by the by, we may take notice of a remarkable circumstance. The depth of the cock below the surface of the fluid was 45,1 in. hence, the velocity of projection was that which a body acquires in falling through a space equal to the whole depth of the fluid ; whereas, 8 Mr. Vince's Experiments on the Resistance through a simple orifice, the velocity would have been that which is acquired in falling through half the depth ; the pipe of the stop-cock therefore increased the velocity of the fluid in the ratio of 1 : / 3 70 1 15 12 1 15 6 1 J8.0 / f 60 1 12 12 1 12 11 -r 0)5 2 Z'/oj 3 50 1 18 10 1 18 17 - M /■3ig 3 40 1 4 IO 1 4 2 MO J ‘ 02h 4 3 0 O 18 18 O 18 18 - 300 fr 20 O 12 12 O 12 *9 ~ /AS 0 -336 z 10 O 6 4 O 6 12 Mft * . ' 7 It 4 = 71 ”2 /8^/Z " 9 ■ 73 ■TJ QOO„ m 779 JjoO '/£G> s} - s rt ~ ^ ^ / • 02 J / '7 SO. T/22 / '02/ J'QU o 7 0/ 0 ' 35 h l / 5? 4 3 / j 4 = M/*/3'323 MDCCXCVIII. C io Mr. Vince’s Experiments on the Resistance It appears from hence, that the resistance varies as the sine of the angle at which the fluid strikes the plane ; the difference between the theory and experiment being only such as may be supposed to arise from the want of accuracy to which the ex- periments must necessarily be subject. Let us now first consider, what the whole perpendicular resistance by experiment is, when compared with that by theory. Now, by theory, the resistance is equal to the weight of a column of the fluid, whose base = 0,045 in. and alti- tude = 45,1 in. and the weight of that column is = 1 oz. 1 dwt. logrs. Hence, the resistance by theory : the resistance , . 2 '$$:■/ 3 by experiment : : 1 oz. x dwt logrs. : 1 oz. 17 dwts. lagrs. : : 514 : 900. In the next place, let us examine what is this resistance, com- pared with the resistance of a plane moving in a fluid. We here prove, that the resistance of the fluid in motion acting on the plane at rest : the resistance by theory : : 900 : 514; and we have before proved, that the resistance by theory : the resist- ance of a plane body moving in a fluid : : 1598 : 2321 ; hence, the resistance of a fluid in motion upon a plane at rest : the re- sistance of the same plane, moving with the same velocity, in a fluid at rest : : goo x 1598 : 5H x 2321 : : 1438200 : 1192954 : : 6:5 nearly. Now we know that the actual effect on the plane must be the same in both cases; and the difference, I conceive, can arise only from the action of the fluid behind the body, in the latter case, there being no effect of this kind in the former case. For, in respect to the pressure before the body, that will probably be the same in both cases ; for there is a pressure of the column of the spouting fluid, acting against 11 of Bodies moving in Fluids. the particles which strike the body at rest, similar to the action of the fluid before the body, upon the particles which strike the body moving in the fluid. Hence, the resistance of the planes moving in the fluid, with the velocity here given, is diminished about one fifth part of the whole, by the pressure behind the body ; but, with different velocities, this diminution must increase as the velocity increases. The effect of that part of the force which acts perpendicular to the plane being thus established, we proceed next to exa- mine, what part of the whole force which acts parallel to the plane, is effective. To determine which, the axis w v (fig. 2.) was fixed perpendicular to the plane of the lever abed, and the ends of the axis were conical, and laid in conical holes; and the thread from which the scale was hung was fixed to the edge at e, and acted perpendicular to it and the weight drew the lever in the direction e s, contrary to that in which the fluid tends to move the lever, and it acted at the same perpendicular distance from the axis below, as the fluid acted above it. Let x?nz be a line parallel to the horizon, when the lever is per- pendicular to it, and which passes through the centre of the stream ; and let xmz be also the direction of that part of the force which acts parallel to the plane. This apparatus being adjusted, the experiments were made for every tenth degree of inclination ; and here a circumstance took place, for which I can give no satisfactory reason. Having gone through the ex- periments once, and noted the results, I repeated them ; and, to my great surprise, I found all the second results to be very different from the first. The experiments were therefore re- peated again, and the results were still different. Being certain that the experiments were very accurately made each time, I C 2 12 rot// 3 Mr. Vince's Experiments on the Resistance was totally at a loss to conjecture to what circumstance this difference of results was owing. By repeating however the experiments, and observing at what point of the line xmz the centre of the stream acted, I discovered that the effect varied by varying that point ; that it was greatest when the stream struck the lever as near as it could to x ; less when it struck it at the middle m ; and least when it struck it as near as it could to z, notwithstanding the stream acted at the same perpendi- cular distance from the axis in each case, and the parallel part of the force always acted in the line x m z. At the angles 8o°, 70°, 6o°, the fluid striking as near as it could to the edge gave the lever a motion, not in the direction x m z, but in the opposite direction z m x, as appeared by taking away the scale. I have therefore marked such results with the sign , the motion produced being then in a direction opposite to that which ought to have been produced, by that part of the force of the stream which acts parallel to the plane of the lever. The forces which are here put down, are those which take effect in a direction parallel to the plane of the lever, for every tenth degree of inclination ; the perpendicular force being 1 oz. lydwts. i2grs. L /jf A ^ ^ *' pV { ' ^ ^ ,rV* rs. ■ • 1 dvvts. grs At 8o° inch At 70s inch At 6o° inch Edge z Middle m ^Edge x Edge z Middle m Edge x 'Edge z Middle m Edge x 3 3 •/// 3 - 10 17 3 6 2 \J33 4- ~ 11 10 '6tS ? 7 9 "4 P_4 ? 11 22. y 4 of Bodies moving in Fluids. V fS dwts. fa grs. Oz inch < ' Edge % O *7* At 5°° Middle m 8 20 ■ 4 . Edge x 13 21 / " Edge z 1 16 '$9.1 3 At 4°° incl. < Middle m 8 6 4 .Edge x - 13 15 '7^7 3 ' Edge z 3 20 \2/0 At 3°° inch < Middle m 7 2 '&SS 4 v Edge x 12 15 J£a2 y 4 r Edge % 4 16 At 20° incl. < Middle m 6 0 / l Edge x 11 12 '7 30- ( At io° incl. < Middle m 5 12 '30/ S It is a remarkable circumstance, that the effect of the fluid at z increased regularly as the angle decreased ; for, though I did not measure the negative effects, I could plainly perceive that that was the case ; whereas, the effects at m and x in- creased to about the middle of the quadrant, and then de- creased. At io°, the obliquity was such, that the section of the stream extended very nearly from one side of the lever to the other. As it appears by experiment, that the velocity of the fluid flowing out of the vessel was equal to the velocity which a body acquires in falling down the altitude of the fluid above the ori- fice, the square of the velocity must be in proportion to that altitude. To find therefore, in this case, whether the resistance varied as the square of the velocity, I let the water flow per- 14 Mr. Vince's Experiments , Be c. pendicularly against the plane (fig. 1.) at different depths, and I always found the resistances to be in proportion to the depths, and therefore in proportion to the square of the velocity, agreeing with what takes place when the body moves in the fluid. £ 15 3 II. Experiments and Observations , tending to show the Co?npo - sit mi and Properties of Urinary Concretions. By George Pearson, M. D. F. R. S. Read December 14, 17 97. I. Historical Observations. Urinary concretions have obtained their denominations, like most other things, from their obvious properties. According- ly, in our language, they are popularly known by the names Stone and Gravel, or Sand, from their resemblance to the states of earth so named : and we find names of the same import in other languages, such as a Aog, (Aret/eus;) a iQtauns, (Celius Aurelianus;) tyotfipos, (Aret^eus;) a iQiXia, (various au- thors;) Calculus, (Celsus and Pliny;) Sabulum , (various authors.) In other languages, and especially in those now spoken, it is unnecessary to notice names which have the same meaning. The notion very generally entertained, of the nature of uri- nary concretions, consisted with the terms, till the last twenty years ; although the experiments of Slare, Frederic Hoff- man, and Hales, long before showed that these substances commonly consist of animal matter. Galen indeed imagined that (pxeypot, or viscid animal matter, is the basis of animal concretions; but, in his days, earth was believed to be the basis of animal matter. Alkaline medicines were, however, employed by the Greek physicians, in diseases from calculi. 16 Dr. Pearson’s Experiments and Observations The experiments of the alchemists also made it appear, that earth was only a part of the matter of concretions. It was probably the observation of the deposition and crystallization of saline bodies, which suggested the notion of urinary calculi, being of the nature of tartar. Such was the opinion of Basil Valentine, and after him of Hochener, better known by the name of Paracelsus ; but, whether the latter adopted the de- nomination Duelecb from its import, or from caprice, has not been explained. Van Helmont, a century after his proto- type Paracelsus, being struck with the experiment in which he discovered the concretion of salts in distilled urine by al- cohol, was led to depart from his adored master s opinion, with respect to the nature of calculi ; although he acknow- ledges the merit of Paracelsus, in having discovered the sol- vent Ludus, (a calcareous stone also called Septarium,) which Van Helmont says is preferable to alkaline lixivium. He also says, that when the archeus spirit of urine meets with a vola- tile earthy spirit, and does not act in a due manner, a con- cretion will be formed ; but, in a healthy state, although all urine contains the matter of urinary calculi, no concretion can take place, because the archeus, or vital power of the bladder, counteracts its formation. As to the kind of earth composing calculi, the only distinc- tion of earths, till about the last half century, was into absor- bent and non-absorbent ; but, since the absorbent earths were distinguished into calcareous, magnesia, and alumine or clay, the calcareous was considered to be the earth of urinary con- cretions ; apparently however for no other reason but its ob- vious properties, and its extensive diffusion through the whole animal kingdom. on the Composition of Urinary Concretions . 17 At length, viz. in 177 6, the experiments of the wonderful Scheele were published in Sweden, but were scarcely known in this country till 1785. These experiments exploded the opinion of the earthy nature of calculi, and substituted that of their consisting of a peculiar acid, resembling the succinic, and of a gelatinous matter, without any earth. Afterwards about of their weight of lime was found by Bergman ; which, for a cause now well known, had eluded the acuteness of Scheele. Although the experiments of Scheele were con- fessedly unquestionable, and were ably supported by the learned Bergman, some very eminent chemists, having obtained dif- ferent results by their own experiments, adopted a different opinion of the composition of these concretions. The im- mortal, and ever to be deplored, Lavoisier supposed these sub- stances to consist of acidulous phosphate of lime and animal matter, many of them being partially fusible ; but still it was the unrivalled Scheele who discovered, that the urine of healthy persons contains superphosphate, or acidulous phosphate, of lime ; and who also indicated the experiment which verified his opinion, that phosphate of lime is the basis of bone. Experiments have been likewise made, for the most part in a rather desultory way, and most of them by persons but little practiced in chemical inquiries, which at least afford evidence, that urinary concretions are very different, with respect to the proportion of the ingredients in their composition, and per- haps also in kind. M. Fourcroy, who however must not be classed with inexperienced chemists, I believe first obtained prussic acid by fire, and by nitric acid, from these concretions ; and showed that they sometimes contain phosphate of ammo- niac and of soda; which may be dissolved out of them by MDCCXCVIII. D 18 Dr. Pearson's Experiments and Observations water. M. Fourcroy also says, he found magnesia in the intestinal calculus of a horse ; which calculus was a triple com- bination, of one part of phosphate of ammoniac, two parts of magnesia, and one of water, besides traces of animal and vegetable matter. Dr. Link, in a very elaborate dissertation, published at Got- ' tingen, in 1788, on urine and calculi, concludes that urinary concretions consist of phosphoric acid, lime, ammoniac, oil, the bases of different kinds of gazes, together with the acid sublimate of Scheele, although he did not succeed in obtaining it. It is a proof of Dr. Black's sagacity, that he should have been able to perceive, from a few experiments, that urinary concretions consisted of animal matter and the earth of bone, before the composition of this earth was demonstrated by Gahn. In this historical sketch it should be noticed, that alkaline substances, though used by the Greek physicians, and after- wards by the alchemical physicians, appear to have been laid aside by the regular practitioners, for a century or two prece- ding their revival, by the famous Mrs. Stephens, in 1720. Her prescription brought into vogue the theory of these me- dicines operating by their causticity. The successful use, by Mr. Colborne, of potash saturated with carbonic acid, ac- cording to the discovery of Bewley and Bergman, and the still further improvement in practice, from the use of soda, as well as potash, super-saturated with carbonic acid, by the dis- covery of a peculiar method by Mr. Schweppe, have com- pletely refuted the theory of the agency of alkalies on the principle of causticity. It appears, from the preceding brief history, as well as from the confession of the latest and best writers, that the experi- on the Composition of Urinary Concretions. ig ments hitherto made, rather “afford indications of what re- “ mains to be done, than furnish demonstrations of the nature “ of animal concretions.” It is also too obvious to need expla- nation, that more efficacious and innocent practice, in diseases from these concretions, can only be discovered by a further investigation of their properties. It is with this view, as well as for the sake of chemical philosophy, that I think it my duty to submit to the Society some of the observations I have made, in the course of inquiry on this subject. file observations which I shall now offer, are principally on a substance, which my experiments inform me is very ge- nerally a constituent of both urinary and arthritic concretions. It is a substance obtained by dissolving it out of these concre- tions, by lye of caustic fixed alkali, and precipitating it from the solution by acids. In this way, Scheele separated this matter ; but he did not consider its importance, nor of course at all inves- tigate its properties. He does not even seem to have been aware that it was a distinct constituent part of the urinary concretion : foi, when he 1 elates the experiment of precipitating matter from the nitric solution of calculus by metallic salts, no dis- tinction is made between the precipitations in this experiment, and that in the former; yet we can now show, that in the one case the precipitate is a peculiar animal oxide, and in the other they are metallic phosphates. As Scheele obtained an acid sublimate, it has been imagined by some writers, that the precipitate by any acid (even by the carbonic) from the alkaline menstruum, was an acid ; the same as that obtained by subli- mation, and which, in the new system of chemistry, has been denominated lithic acid. The following experiments show that these substances are different species of matter. D 2 2 TO - C\ f , • a a' < Ox O'fJJ $ 20 Dr. Pearson’s Experiments and Observations. II. Experiments. 250 grains of a white, smooth, laminated, urinary calculus, and the same quantity of a nut-brown one, with an uneven surface, both of which were of a roundish figure, were pul- verized together.* 300 grains of these pulverized calculi were triturated with three ounces and a half, by measure, or five ounces, by weight, of lye of caustic soda. The mixture be- came thick, and copiously emitted ammoniacal gaz. After digestion for a night, and then boiling, with the addition of five ounces of pure water, I obtained, by filtration, five ounces of clear colourless liquid. Boiling water was repeatedly poured upon the strainer, till what passed through it was almost taste- less, and remained clear, on the addition of diluted sulphuric acid. ( a ) The matter remaining on the strainer, being dried, was an impalpable, white, tasteless, heavy powder, which weighed 96 grains. ( b ) The five ounces of filtrated liquid, having been set apart, on standing, deposited a white, opaque, granulated, soap-like matter, from a colourless clear liquid. The liquid being de- canted, the deposit was dried, and was then an opaque, brittle, soap-like matter, which dissolved readily in water, giving a clear but not viscid solution, and tasting weakly of soda. This soap-like matter weighed 280 grains. (c) The decanted liquor, ( b ,) being mixed with the above filtrated liquors, on evaporation to three ounces, afforded no deposit on standing, although it was a very heavy and soapy * The object of these experiments being principally to investigate the properties of one of the constituent parts of urinary concretions, which part was previously deter- mined (by the test of nitric acid,) to exist in both these, it can be no objection to the experiments, that I made use of a mixture of two calculi. f 3 -3 £"3 3 on the Composition of Urinary Concretions. 2 1 liquid to the feel ; but, on adding diluted sulphuric acid gra- dually, till it ceased to become turbid, a sediment was deposited, which was a very light, white, impalpable powder, in weight, when dried, 2 6 grains. The liquid from which this powder was precipitated, being evaporated, afforded nothing but sul- phate of soda, and a few grains of crystals, which seemed to be phosphate of soda. There was also a blackish matter, which burnt like horn, or other animal matter, and did not leave a pink or rose-coloured matter, on evaporating the solution of it in nitric acid to dryness, but left a carbonaceous residue; whereas, the white precipitate, so treated, afforded a beautiful pink matter. ( d ) 250 grains of the soap-like matter ( b ) being dissolved in eight ounces of pure water ; 1. A little of this solution, further diluted by one ounce of water, grew milky on adding a few drops of nitric acid, but became less so on standing. On adding more nitric acid, and heating it, the mixture became quite clear : by adding a few drops of lye of caustic soda, a very slight curdy appearance took place. 2. On adding, to the same diluted solution, a little of the diluted sulphuric or muriatic acid, milkiness ensued, and re- mained, although the acids were added till the mixture was extremely sour. O11 adding lye of caustic soda, much more than to saturate the superabundant acid, the mixture became clear again; and, on adding the acids a second time, the milki- ness was reproduced. It was found that the milkiness could be produced and destroyed, or clearness be produced, by the alternate addition of the acid and alkali, for an unlimited num- ber of times. If the nitric acid however was used, at length '23/ / '02 7 3^ ’OtS 4 '0?t 22 Dr. Pearson's Experiments and Observations no milkiness could be induced. If carbonate of soda was added, in place of the caustic soda, the mixture could not be made clear. 3. Lime water was rendered turbid by this solution, but I neglected to examine the precipitated matter. 4- A little of the solution, with the addition of a few drops of concentrated nitric acid, being evaporated to dryness, sometimes a pink, and at other times a blood-red, or rose-coloured matter was left ; which, by further application of fire, became black. 3. Carbonic acid, digested and shook with this solution, did not render it turbid. 6. To the whole of the remaining solution was added diluted sulphuric acid, to saturate the alkali. On standing, a copious precipitate took place, from a clear liquid ; which precipitate, being washed and dried, was a mass of very light, mica-like, whitish crystals, amounting to 123 grains. It was estimated that the solution used in the Experiments 1. — 5. would have produced 12 grains, and that the 30 grains of soap-like matter, (6,) not decompounded, would have yielded about 14 grains more. ( e ) The precipitate, ( d , 6.) 1. Had no taste, nor smell, and did not dissolve in the mouth. 2. About one part of it only dissolved in 800 parts of boil- ing water; which solution did not redden paper stained with turnsole, nor the solution and tincture of this test; neither did it change turnsole paper, reddened by acid, to a blue colour. On cooling, the greatest part of what had been dissolved was de- posited, in a crystallized state, equally on the sides and bottom of the vessel. This crystallized matter had the properties abovemen tioned ( d .). Boiling water was found to dissolve a much greater proportion of urinary stone, and also of gravel , than of this precipitate. on the Composition of Urinary Concretions. 23 3 • Lye of mild potash, or subcarbonate of potash, being dropped into the solution ( e , 2.) with its crystallized deposit, the crystals at first seemed to dissolve; but, on standing, a great part of the matter was deposited, and the liquid remained turbid. 4. The precipitate being boiled with lye of carbonate of soda, more seemed to be dissolved than in pure water; but the solution was not clear, and, on evaporating it nearly to dryness, and pouring cold water upon it, on a paper strainer, scarcely any thing but the soda passed through with the water ; the precipitate remaining behind on the paper. The result was the same, when this experiment was made with a lye of carbonate of ammoniac. The result was also the same, with water in which red oxide of mercury had been boiled ; which was also boiled with this precipitate, and filtrated after cooling. 5. A little of the precipitate being triturated with quick- lime, hot water was poured upon it. The filtrated liquor gave the precipitate back again, on adding muriatic acid. 6. The precipitate exposed* to flame, with the blowpipe, turned black, emitted the smell of burning animal matter, and evaporated or burnt away without any signs of fusion ; stain- ing the platina spoon black. 7. Five grains of the precipitate, in half an ounce of water, were left to stand in a warm room, during the months of Au- gust and September last, without any signs of putrefaction ap- pearing, or any obvious change taking place. 8. Twenty-four ounces of boiling water were saturated with the precipitate, and divided into six portions ; from each of which, on cooling, most of it again precipitated. The first portion, on boiling with a little lye of carbonate of * o // ,3 2 4 Dr. Pearson’s Experiments and Observations soda, (the pneumatic apparatus being affixed,) discharged no carbonic acid into lime water; but a transparent solution was produced, and, on cooling, very little was precipitated. The second portion was, in the same manner, boiled in a little lye of caustic soda ; which gave a transparent solution on cool- ing, without any precipitation. The third portion being boiled with lime water, very little more seemed to be dissolved than in pure water. The fourth portion being boiled with 4 grains of subphos- phate of lime, or calcined bone, no more seemed to be dis- solved on account of this addition. Nor was more dissolved in the fifth portion, by the addition of 4 grains of phosphate of lime, made by dropping phosphoric acid into lime water. And the result was the same with the sixth portion, to which were added 4 grains of superphosphate of lime, made by add- ing phosphoric acid to lime water, so as just to make a clear solution, and then evaporating the solution. 9. Urine seemed to dissolve, or at least to suspend, a greater quantity of the precipitate than mere water ; so likewise did wa- ter with a little sulphate of soda. 10. The precipitate did not render solution of hard soap at all curdy; but, on adding the precipitate to solution of, sulphuret of potash, it became very turbid. 11. The precipitate produced a strong effervescence, even in the cold, with nitric acid, but the fumes were not those of nitrous acid : there was a clear solution, which, on evaporation to dryness, afforded black matter, surrounded by a pink, or blood-red margin. 12. The substance, with sulphuric acid, turned black, and on the Composition of Urinary Concretions, 25 emitted fumes copiously, which were scarcely those of sulphu- reous acid ; and, on evaporation, a black mark only was left. 13. I first digested, and then boiled, in water, the preci- pitate with prussiate of iron ; but the filtrated liquor afforded no precipitation with sulphate of iron. 14. Two drachms, by measure, of nitric acid, of the spe- cific gravity of 1,35, were poured upon 7 grains of the precipi- tate. A violent effervescence took place, which was soon suc- ceeded by a complete solution. A few drops of this solution, being evaporated on glass, left a black mark, surrounded by a pink margin. A few drops of nitric acid being evaporated from this residue, nothing but a still less black mark, and a few red spots remained. Nitric acid being added a third time, nothing but a black mark, still smaller, remained ; which entirely disappeared, on evaporating this acid from it a fourth time. I found that a few drops of this solution, so diluted that they did not contain the or even a much smaller part, of a grain of the precipitate, on evaporation, left a pink stain on glass. The whole of the rest of the solution was distilled in a very low temperature, so that a drop only fell about every half- minute, till a thick brownish sediment remained, with a red margin. A similar distillation was performed, with the distilled liquor, a second time, when there remained a little whitish thick matter. On a third distillation, as before, with the distilled liquor, towards the close white fumes arose, and about half a drachm of liquid, which now remained in the retort, being left to stand, prismatical crystals, decussating each other, were - formed. They had a sharp taste, but were scarcely sour; MDCCXCVIII. E ‘?7A 2 'olG ‘ooo on / 26 Dr. Pearson’s Experiments and Observations were very soluble in the mouth, and evaporated in white fumes, leaving a very slight black stain, 15. Twenty grains of the precipitate were introduced into a tube, | of an inch wide in the bore, sealed by melting at one extremity ; which extremity was coated, and the tube was fitly bent for retaining sublimate, and collecting gaz. The tempe- rature, from the fire applied, was at first very low, but was gradually increased, so as to make the coated part, containing the charge, red hot. At first, the precipitate turned black, and a little water appeared. Secondly, gaz came over, which had the smell of empyreumatic liquor cornu cervi. Thirdly, a brown sublimate appeared, and gaz as before, but also with prussic acid gaz. Fourthly, black matter, staining the tube, as if from tar, or animal oil. On cooling, there was found a resi- due, of nearly three grains, of pure carbon. The sublimate was principally carbonate of ammoniac ; the rest was animal oil. The gaz discharged was nearly half its bulk, or 5 cubic inches by measure, carbonic acid ; and the remaining 5 cubic inches were nitrogen gaz, containing prussic acid and empy- reumatic oil. I treated in the same manner, the same quantity of reddish crystals, deposited spontaneously from urine. The result was not very different from that of the former experiment. The gaz was more offensive, smelling like putrid urine, and the carbonaceous residue was more copious, and contained lime and phosphoric acid ; at least the lixivium of it became white, on dropping into it oxalic acid ; and it became slightly curdy, on adding lime water. I treated in the same manner, some quite round and smooth on the Composition of Urinary Concretions. 27 concretions, of the size of black pepper seeds. The products were the same as the former, but the gaz was still more offen- sive, and in smaller quantity; and the carbonaceous matter was more copious. I, in the same way, subjected to experiment 20 grains of a nut-brown light calculus, which I had previously ascertained to contain the matter above described, which was precipitated from caustic soda by acids. The products were of the same kind as the former; but I could find no trace of phosphoric acid in the residue, which I did of lime, and the gaz was less offen- sive. The carbonaceous residue was not, in weight, 3 grains. It will be proper, before I proceed further, to point out some of the more obvious conclusions from the above experi- ments. 1. It appears that at least one half of the matter of the urinary concretions subjected to the above experiments united to caustic soda, and was precipitated from it by acids. (II. a — d.) 2. This precipitate does not indicate acidity to the most de- licate tests; ( e , 2.) and, as it is inodorous, tasteless, ( e , 1.) scarcely soluble in cold water, ( e , 2.) does not unite to the alkali of carbonate of potash, of soda, or of ammoniac, (<*,3, 4.) nor to oxide of mercury, (*,4.) nor to the lime of lime wa- ter, ( e , 8.) nor decompound soap, ( e , 10.) or prussiate of iron, ( e , 13.) and, as its combination with caustic soda resembles soap, more than any double salt known to consist of an acid and alkali, this precipitate does not belong to the genus acids. 3. As this precipitate could not be sublimed, without being decompounded, like animal matter, (• 3 6 Dr. Pearson’s Experiments and Observations The whole of this sublimate amounted, by estimation, to 1 8 grains ; and I apprehend it is the acid sublimate of Scheele. The sublimate of carbonate of ammoniac amounted to 20 grains; and it was black empyreumatic animal oil which stained the tube. This experiment was repeated, on 120 grains of a nut-brown, very light, urinary concretion. The result was not very diffe- rent from that of the former experiment, except that the gaz contained a portion of hydrogen gaz. There were 30 grains of the above described spicula , principally mixed with carbo- naceous matter : they were light, and had only a very slight sharp and bitter taste. The experiment repeated a third time, with 80 grains of urinary concretion, afforded 15 grains of the white spicula above described, mixed with carbonaceous matter. These 1 found did dissolve in a large proportion of muriatic acid; which solu- tion yielded them, on evaporation, in the same state as before. Under the flame applied by the blowpipe, they first melted, and then evaporated, without any smell ; leaving a slight black mark. Turnsole was reddened by these spicula. In a fourth experiment, I found the white spicula contained in the carbonaceous matter united, on boiling, with carbonate of soda, as well as with caustic soda ; but, as before, muriatic acid precipitated nothing from the solution. These spicula could not be dissolved in nitric acid ; nor did the solution of them in water become turbid with oxalic acid. Their taste was, as before, rather bitter and sharp than sour. A very suffocat- ing smell issued forth, on breaking the tube used in this expe- riment, but it was not from sulphur, nor from prussic acid. on the Composition of Urinary Concretions. 37 These experiments afford evidence of the wide difference be- tween the animal oxide above described and the acid sublimate of Scheele.* If this conclusion be allowed to be just, it will be necessary to give a name to this urinary animal oxide. Agreeably to the principles of the new chemical nomenclature, the nafne should be Lithic oxide . But the term lithic is a gross solecism ; and I trust that philological critics will find the name onric or uric oxide perfectly appropriate ; for, if it be thought objectionable, on account of the existence of the matter in arthritic as well as urinary concretions, still philology will allow its admission, as in other similar cases, koit sjo^i/ ; it being found in greater abundance, by far, in the urinary passages than in other situa- tions, and therefore falling under common observation, as an ingredient of the urine. If, however, the term lithic oxide, or any other denomination, shall obtain acceptance, I shall very willingly adopt it. It requires no sagacity, in a person acquainted with the facts of the preceding experiments, to perceive that they are appli- cable to a variety of uses in chemical investigation, and in the prac- tice of physic. The latter I of course take no notice of in this place; but, relative to the former uses, I shall particularly point out, that we are now able not only to detect, in the easiest man- ner, the presence of the minutest proportion of the above animal oxide in urinary concretions, and also in other substances, but even to determine its proportion to the other constituent parts, From these experiments, it now appears very doubtful whether the lithic acid of Scheele exists as a constituent of urinary concretions, or is compounded, in conse- quence of a new arrangement taking place, of the elementary matters of the concretion, by the agency of fire; but it is demonstrated, that the urinary animal oxide is really a constituent part, and even a principal one, of almost all human urinary calculi. 38 Dr. Pearson’s Experiments and Observations in the space of a few minutes, in most cases, and in all in a very little time, without any other apparatus than nitric acid, a round bottomed matrass or glass dish, and a lamp. By this method, I have, in a general way, examined above 300 speci- mens of concretions, of the human subject and other animals, principally urinary ones ; and also many from other parts, par- ticularly those from the joints. For these opportunities I am <• beholden to several professional gentlemen ; whose willingness to furnish me with specimens, I shall have much satisfaction in acknowledging on a future occasion. At present, I must ac- knowledge my obligations to Mr. Heaviside, in whose museum I found between 700 and 800 specimens. The liberal possessor of this treasure offered me, what I could not have taken the liberty of requesting, namely, permission to break off pieces from any of the articles, for experiment. Mr. Edward Howard did me the honour to take upon himself the task of writing down the reports, and otherwise assisted me. At this time I shall only mention, 1. That out of 200 specimens of urinary calculi, not more than six did not contain the animal oxide above described, i. e. about 32 out of 33 contained it. 2. That the proportion of this oxide was very different; va- rying from — -g-Q (exclusive of water,) to but, for the most part, varying between -8q% and * 3. That the common animal mucilage of urine is frequently found in concretions, in very different proportions ; but is per- haps never a principal constituent part of them. * In some urinary concretions, the interior part contained this oxide, and the exterior part had none of it. On the contrary, in other urinary concretions, the exterior part contained it, and the interior part did not. on the Composition of Urinary Concretions. gg 4. That the above animal oxide was not found in the urinary concretions, or any other concretions, of any animal but the human kind. 5. That this animal oxide was found also in human arthritic calculi, but not in those of the teeth, stomach, intestines, lungs, brain, &c. P. S. I think proper to subjoin a few experiments, made after the preceding paper was written, which afford evidence of the truth of some of my conclusions, and enable us to ex- plain several properties of animal concretions. I. On an Urinary Concretion from a Dog. This calculus may be said to be a great curiosity, for it is probably the only specimen in London. I owe the opportu- nity of examining it to Mr. H. Leigh Thomas, who met with it in the course of his dissections ; and therefore we have unquestionable authority, that the concretion was really from the urinary bladder of a dog. It is worthy to be noticed, that the animal appeared to be in perfect health. This concretion is of an oval figure ; is three inches and three quarters in length, and three inches in breadth ; is white as chalk ; its surface is rough and uneven. Being sawed through longitudinally, no nucleus was found, nor was it lami- nated, but near the centre it was radiated, and contained shi- ning spicula . In other parts it was, for the most part, compact and uniform in its texture. It weighed nearly ten ounces and a half. Its specific gravity was found to be greater than that of human urinary concretions, in general ; which I have learned by experiments is also the case with urinary and intestinal I ‘34 2 ^ '0A5 * '/■$& > Vf3 ' 40 Dr. Pearson’s Experiments and Observations. concretions of other brute animals, especially with those of the horse. - The specific gravity of the present calculus was 1,7. That of one from the urinary bladder of the human subject, of the sort called mulberry calculus, and which consisted almost entirely of uric oxide, was 1,609. That of another human urinary concretion, of the same com- position as the former, but quite smooth, extracted by Mr. Ford, was 1,571. 1. The present calculus of the dog had no taste, nor smell, till exposed to fire. 2. Under the blowpipe it first became black, and emitted the smell of common animal matter ; it next smelt strongly of empyreumatic liquor cornu cervi; and, afterburning some time, became inodorous, and white, and readily melted, like super- phosphate of lime. 3. On trituration with lye of caustic soda, there was a copious discharge of ammoniac. 4. It dissolved, on boiling in nitric acid : the solution was clear and colourless ; and, on evaporation to dryness, left a re- sidue of white bitter matter , which, under the blowpipe emitted, weakly, the smell of animal matter. 5. Upon distilling a mixture of 150 grains of this concretion pulverized and two pints and a half of pure water, to three ounces, the distilled liquid was found to contain nothing but a little ammoniac. The three ounces of residuary liquid, being fil- trated and evaporated, yielded 20 grains of phosphate of ammo- niac, with a little animal matter ; and the residuary undissolved matter amounted to 67 grains. 6. These 67 grains, being triturated with four ounces of caustic on the Compositions of Urinary Concretions. 41 soda lye, discharged very little ammoniac. On distilling this mixture to one ounce, a very small proportion only of ammo- niac was found in the distilled liquid. The residuary ounce of alkaline liquid was filtrated, and mixed with the water of elu- triation of the undissolved matter. One half of those liquids, on evaporation to dryness, afforded a dark brown matter, amounting to 20 grains, which consisted of phosphate of lime • ■]. < and animal matter. To the other half of the alkaline liquids was gradually added muriatic acid, which occasioned a deposit, in small proportion, of matter that dissolved in nitric acid, but which, on evaporation to dryness, left behind only a brownish matter, consisting of phosphate of lime and animal matter. 7. The residuary insoluble substance in caustic lye, (b.) under the blowpipe, first turned black, and then grew white, but could not be melted. By diluted sulphuric acid it was decompounded. On the ad- dition of nitrate of mercury, to the filtrated liquid, it yielded phosphate of mercury; and, with oxalic acid, it afforded oxalate of lime ; but no sulphate of magnesia was found remaining after these precipitations were produced. These experiments fully demonstrate, that the above con- cretion of a dog contained none of the uric or lithic oxide above described, but that it consisted, principally at least, of phosphate of lime, phosphate of ammoniac, and animal matter. The present instance leads me to explain the reason of the fusibility of calculi. This is demonstrated, by the above expe- riments, to depend upon the discharge and decomposition of the ammoniac of the phosphate of ammoniac, during the burn- ing away of the animal matter; hence the residuary phosphoric mdccxcviii, G 4,2 Dr. Pearson's Experiments and Observations acid readily fuses, and, uniting to the phosphate of lime, com- poses superphosphate of lime, a very fusible substance. The phosphate of ammoniac being dissolved out by water, or caustic alkaline lye, the remaining matter is infusible, being phosphate of lime. A very hard, brittle, and blackish intestinal calculus of a dog, from Mr. Wilson, was found to be of greater specific gravity than human urinary calculi, and to have the same composition as that of the dog above described. This also was found to be the composition of a white, smooth, round, intestinal calculus of a horse, the specific gravity of which was 1,791. The same composition was discovered, on examining a very hard, gray, brittle, laminated, quadrilateral concretion, said to be from the urinary bladder, but which, I think, was more pro- bably from the intestines, of a horse. II. On a Calculus from the urinary Bladder of a Rabbit. This is also a curiosity, being the only instance I have seen. I am likewise indebted to Mr. Thomas for this specimen, which he very kindly sent me, fitted up as a preparation, in- cluded in the bladder itself. Mr. Thomas found this concretion, on dissecting a perfectly healthy and very fat rabbit. This specimen is spherical, and of the size of a small nut- meg. It is of a dark brown colour, has a smooth surface, is hard, brittle, and heavy. When broken, it appeared to consist of concentric laminas. Its specific gravity was 2. 1. Under the blowpipe it grew black, and emitted the smell of animal matter while burning ; at last it ceased to emit any on the Composition of Urinary Concretions . 43 smell ; and, urged with the intensest fire, showed no signs of fusibility. 2. It readily dissolved, with effervescence, like marble, in both muriatic and nitric acids, giving clear solutions. 3. The nitric solution (2.) being evaporated partly to dry- ness, and partly to the consistence of extract, the dry residuary matter was white ; and the extract-like matter, which was bitter, could not be fused under the blowpipe; but, when brought to the state of a powder, the particles of it were made to cohere loosely together into one mass. 4. On dropping sulphuric acid into the muriatic solution, (2.) turbidness, and a copious white precipitation, immediately en- sued, from the composition of sulphate of lime. From these experiments it is warrantable to conclude, that the above urinary calculus of a rabbit consisted principally of ’ carbonate of lime and common animal matter, with, perhaps, a very small proportion of phosphoric acid : it certainly con- tained no uric oxide. I examined, in the same mafmer, a concretion which was said to be from the stomach of a monkey; but I have not evi- dence of its origin equally satisfactory as that of the two last calculi. Its composition was found to be similar to that of the calculus of the rabbit, viz. carbonate of lime and animal matter. Its obvious properties were also the same ; it was of the size of the largest nutmeg. III. On urinary Concretions of the Horse. I examined several specimens in cabinets, said to be vesical calculi of the horse, and found none of them to contain the uric oxide above described ; but that they consisted (as well G 2 44 Dr. Pearson’s 'Experiments and Observations as the calculi from the stomach and intestines of the same ani- mal) of phosphate of lime, phosphate of ammoniac, and com- mon animal matter, which melted like superphosphate of lime, after burning away the animal matter and ammoniac. As these, and some other experiments, seemed to concur in esta- blishing an important truth, I thought it necessary to examine an urinary concretion of a horse, which, from its figure and size, was unquestionably from the kidney of that animal ; for I have found by experience, that one cannot depend entirely on the accounts in cabinets, nor indeed, sometimes, on the asser- tions of persons who collect specimens. 1. This concretion, which Dr. Baillie was so good as to give me, was of a blackish colour, was very brittle and hard, and had no smell or taste. It felt heavier than human urinary calculi. / 2. Under the blowpipe it became quite black, and emitted the smell, weakly, of common animal matter. It was reduced very little in quantity, and showed no appearances of fusibility, after being exposed for a considerable time to the most intense fire of the blowpipe. 3. Muriatic acid dissolved this concretion, with effervescence, yielding a clear solution; which, on evaporation to dryness, left a black and bitter residue. 4. 'A little of the residue (3.) being boiled in pure water, to the filtrated liquor superoxalate of potash was added ; which occasioned a very turbid appearance, and copious white preci- pitation. 5. Nitric acid also readily dissolved this concretion, with ef- fervescence. The solution being evaporated, partly to dryness, and partly to the consistence of an extract, the dry residuary on the Composition of Urinary Concretions . 45 matter was white and bitterish, and the extract-like part showed no signs of fusibility under the intensest fire of the blowpipe. 6. A little of the concretion, being triturated with lye of caustic soda, emitted no smell of ammoniac. From these experiments it appears, that this calculus, like the former one from a rabbit, consists of carbonate of lime and common animal matter. A renal calculus of a horse, in Mr. Heaviside’s collection, appeared, on examination, to consist of carbonate of lime and common animal matter. Another specimen, however, of renal calculus of a horse, in the same collection, marked No. 3. was found to consist of phos- phate of lime, phosphate of ammoniac, and common animal matter. It was fused under the blowpipe. The specimen marked No. 8. in the same collection, which was said to be a vesical calculus of a horse, appeared to consist of the three ingredients just mentioned. I have met with two instances of a deposit of a prodigious quantity of matter in the urinary bladder of horses, which had not crystallized, or even concreted : it amounted, in one speci- men, which was given to me by Dr. Marshall, to several pounds weight; and in the other, which is in the possession of Mr. Home, to about 45 pounds. Its composition was, princi- pally, carbonate of lime and common animal matter. * I have not found any instance of human urinary calculi of a * Since this paper was read, Mr. Blizard has been so attentive as to send me another specimen of the same kind of deposit as those here mentioned. It now ap* pears probable, that such deposits frequently take place, although I believe they have not been noticed before. 4 6 Dr. Pearson's Experiments and Observations, &c. similar composition to that of the rabbit, and those of horses above described, which consist of carbonate of lime and animal matter ; and I believe that human urinary calculi very rarely occur of a similar composition to those of the dog and horses above mentioned, which were found to consist of phosphate of ammoniac, phosphate of lime, and animal matter, without con- taining uric oxide. The difference in the constitution of urinary concretions may depend on the difference of the urinary organs of different ani- mals, on the food and drink,* and on the various diseased and healthy states of the urinary organs. I have not found the uric oxide in the urinary concretions of any phytivorous animal ; but, whether it would be formed in the human animal when nourished merely by vegetable matter, must be determined by future observations. In the mean time, it is warrantable to conclude, from analogy, that it would not, and the application of this fact to practice is obvious ; but I now purposely avoid making any practical inferences, until I can, at the same time, state a number of facts I have collected, relative both to concretions and to the urine itself. * I found the stomach-concretion called Oriental Bezoar, to consist merely of ve- getable matter ; as did the intestinal concretion of a sheep. C 47 3 III. Oil the Discovery of four additional Satellites of the Georgium Sidus. The retrograde Motion of its old Satel- lites announced ; and the Cause of their Disappearance at certain Distances from the Planet explained . By William Herschel, LL.D. F. R. S. Read December 14, 1797. jtIaving been lately much engaged in improving my table* for calculating the places of the Georgian satellites, I found it necessary to recompute all my observations of them. In look- ing over the whole series, from the year of the first discovery of the satellites in 1787 to the present time, I found these ob- servations so extensive, especially with regard to a miscella- neous branch of them, that I resolved to make this latter part the subject of a strict examination. The observations I allude to relate to the discovery of four additional satellites : to surmises of a large and a small ring, at rectangles to each other : to the light and size of the satellites : and to their disappearance at certain distances from the planet. In this undertaking, I was much assisted by a set of short and easy theorems I had laid down for calculating all the par- ticulars respecting the motions of satellites; such as, finding the longitude of the satellite from the angle of position, or the position from the longitude : the inclination of the orbit from the angle of position and longitude : the apogee : the greatest 48 Dr. Herschei/s Discovery of four additional elongation; and other particulars. Having moreover calcu- lated tables for reduction : for the position of the point of great- est elongation; and for the distance of the apogee, or opening of the ellipsis ; and also contrived an expeditious application of the globe for checking computations of this sort, I found many former intricacies vanish. By the help of these tables and theorems, I could examine the miscellaneous observations relating to additional satellites, on a supposition that their orbits were in the same plane with the two already known, and that the direction of their motion was also the same with that of the latter. And here I take an opportunity to announce, that the motion of the Georgian satellites is retrograde. This seems to be a remarkable instance of the great variety that takes place among the movements of the heavenly bodies. Hitherto, all the planets and satellites of the solar system have been found to direct their course according to the order of the signs : even the diurnal or rotatory motions, not only of the primary planets, but also of the sun, and six of their seconda- ries or satellites, now are known to follow the same direction; but here we have two considerable celestial bodies completing their revolutions in a retrograde order. I return to the examination of the miscellaneous observations, the result of which has been of considerable importance, and will be contained in this paper. The existence of four addi- tional satellites of our new planet will be proved. The obser- vations which tend to ascertain the existence of rings not ap- pearing to be satisfactorily supported, it will be proper that surmises of them should either be given up, as ill founded, or at least reserved till superior instruments can be provided, to 49 Satellites of the Georgium Sidus , See, throw more light upon the subject. A remarkable phenome- non, of the vanishing of the satellites, will be shewn to take place, and its cause animadverted upon. I shall now, in the first place, relate the observations on which these conclusions must rest for support, and afterwards join some short arguments, to shew that my results are fairly deduced from them. For the sake of perspicuity, I shall arrange the observations under three different heads ; and begin with those which relate to the discovery of additional satellites. A great number of observations on supposed satellites, that were afterwards found to be stars, or of which it could not be ascertained whether they were stars or satellites, for want of clear weather, will only be related. For, to enter into the par- ticular manner of recording these supposed satellites, or to give the figures which were delineated to point them out, would take up too much time, and be of no considerable service to our present argument. It ought however to be mentioned, that nearly the same precaution was taken with all the related observations as, it will be found, was used in those that are given in the words of the journals that contain them. The former will be distinguished under the head Reports , the latter under that of Observations. Investigation of additional Satellites. Reports. Feb. 6 , 1782. A very faint star was pointed out as probably a satellite, but Feb. 7 and 8 was found remaining in its former situation. March 4, 1783. A satellite was suspected, but March 8 was found to be a star. H MDCCXCVIII. 50 Dr. Herschel’s Discovery of four additional April 5, 1783. A suspected satellite was delineated, but the 6th it was seen remaining in its former place. Nov. 19, 1783. A supposed satellite was marked down, but no opportunity could be had to account for it afterwards. Nov. 16, 1784. Supposed 1st and 2d satellites were pointed out, but not accounted for afterwards. Many other fruitless endeavours for the discovery of satellites were made; but, finding my instrument, in the Newtonian form, not adequate to the undertaking, the pursuit was partly relinquished. The additional light however which I gained, by introducing the Front- view in my telescope, soon after gave me an opportunity of resuming it with more success. Jan. 11, 1787. Three supposed satellites were observed: a first, a second, and a third. Jan. 12, the 1st and 2d were gone from the places in which I had marked them, but the 3d was remaining, and therefore was a fixed star. * Jan. 14. A supposed 3d satellite was delineated, but on the 17th it was found to be a star. Jan. 17. Supposed 3d, 4th, and 5th satellites were marked, but were found remaining in their former places on the 1 8th. Jan. 24. Supposed 3d and 4th satellites were noted, but the weather proving bad on the succeeding nights, till February 4, they were lost in uncertainty. Feb. 4. A 3d satellite was marked, but not being afterwards accounted for remains lost. Feb. 7. A supposed 3d satellite was proved to be a star the 9th. Feb. 10. Supposed 3d and 4th satellites have not been after- wards accounted for. * It has already been shewn. In a former paper, that the removed satellites were those two which now are sufficiently known. Satellites of the Georghm Sidus , &c. 51 Feb. 13. Supposed 3d, 4th, and 5th satellites proved stars the 16th. Feb. 16. A 3d satellite proved a star the 17th. Feb. 19. Supposed 3d and 4th satellites were proved to be stars the same evening, by being left in their places, while the planet was moving on. Feb. 22. The supposed 3d and 4th of the 19th were seen remaining in their former places ; and new 3d, 4th, and 5th satellites were marked ; but these were lost through bad wea- ther, which lasted till March 4. March 5. A supposed 3d satellite proved to be a star the 7th. March 7. The position of a 3d was taken, and a 4th also marked ; but March 8 they were both proved to be fixed stars. October 20. A very small star was seen near the planet, but lost, for want of opportunity to account for it. March 13, 1789. The positions of 3d and 4th satellites were taken, but the 14th they were found to be stars. March 16. Supposed 3d and 4th satellites were well laid down, but March 20 were found to be stars. March 2 6. The places of supposed 3d and 4th satellites were ascertained, but no opportunity could be had of deciding whe- ther they were stars or satellites. Dec. 15. A supposed 3d satellite was accurately delineated, but proved to be a star the 16th. Observations. “ Jan. 18, 1790. 6h5i'.* A supposed 3d satellite is about * All the times have been corrected so as to be true, sidereal ; but are only given here to the nearest minute. H 2 53 Dr. Herschei/s Discovery of four additional “ 2 diameters of the planet following ; excessively faint, and “ only seen by glimpses.” “ 7h 57' . I cannot perceive the 3d.” Reports. Jan. 18, 1790. A supposed 4th satellite was described, but was found to be a star the 19th. Jan. 20. A 3d satellite was perceived, and its angle of posi- tion ascertained ; but was afterwards lost, for want of opportu- nity to examine its place again. Observations. “ Feb. 9, 1790. 6h 28'. There is a supposed 3d satellite, in a “ line with the planet and the 2d satellite.” “ 6h 40'. Configuration of the Georgian planet and satel- “ lites.” See Tab. II. fig. 1. « Clouds prevent further observations.” “ Feb. 11. The supposed 3d satellite of the 9th of February “ I believe is wanting ; at least I cannot see it, though the wea- “ ther is very clear, hut windy.” “ Feb. 12. The supposed 3d satellite of the 9th is not hi « the place where I saw it that night.” Reports. Feb. 11, 1790. Supposed 3d and 4th satellites were laid down, but on the 12th they were both found remaining in their for- mer places. Feb. 16. A 3d satellite was delineated, but on the 17th it proved to be a star. Satellites of the Georgium Sidus, &c, 53 March 5. Supposed 3d and 4th satellites were laid down, but on the 8th were seen remaining in their places. Feb. 4, 1791. A 3d satellite was marked, but has not been accounted for afterwards. Feb. 5. Supposed 3d, 4th, and 3th satellites were delineated, but no opportunity could afterwards be found to ascertain their existence. March 5. Supposed 3d, 4th, and 5th satellites were put down. They could not be seen March 6, but were proved to be small stars the 7 th. Feb. 12, 1792. A third satellite was delineated, but was left behind by the planet the same evening, and also seen in its former place the next night. Feb. 13. A 3d satellite was put down, but proved to be a star the 14th. Feb. 20. The position of a 3d satellite was taken, but 4 hours after was found to be left behind by the planet. It was also seen in its former place Feb. 21. Feb. 26. A 3d satellite, between the planet and 2d, was ob- served ; which, 3h 3 7' afterwards, was thought to be left behind, but was so faint as hardly to be perceivable. A fourth was also put down. Neither of them have been accounted for after- wards. March 8, 1793. The position of a supposed 3d satellite was taken, but the next day it was found to be a star. March 9. A supposed 3d satellite was observed, at 5 or 6 times the distance of the 1st, but was not accounted for after- wards. March 14. Supposed 3d and 4th satellites were observed, but no opportunity could be had afterwards to see them again. 54 Dr. Herschel’s Discovery of four additional Observations. “ Feb. 25, 1794. With 320, there is a small star fig. 2, “ about 1 5 degrees north preceding the planet ; and another 6, “ about 30 degrees north preceding : also one c , directly pre~ ceding. There is a very small fourth star d, making a trape- “ zium with the other three- ; and two more ef preceding this “ 4th star, are in a line with it.” “ Feb. 2 6. The stars, in figure 2, marked/*? d a , are in a line. “ There is a star g, at rectangles to f e da: the perpendicular “ falls upon d: it is towards the south. There is also a star 5, “ north of fe da; but it is too faint to admit of a determination “ of its place : I can only see it now and then by imperfect “ glimpses.” “ Feb. 28. 6h 40'. The stars f e d a of the 26th are in their “ places, c is in the place where I have marked it. The star “ g is in the place where I marked it. I see also the very “ small star b.” “ 6h 50'. There is a very small star k, but not so small as bs “ very near to, and north following/, which I did not see on “ the 26th. It is not quite half way between / and e, but « nearer to / than to e. It makes an obtuse triangle with / “ and e.” “ qh The motion of the planet this evening, since the “ first observation, is very visible.” ioh 7'. I cannot perceive the star k. The weather is not “ so clear as it was.” « ioh 2i/. I cannot perceive the star k in the place where it “ was 6h 50'.” “ March 4, 1794. Power 320. 6k 46'. The stars ab c def g _ 55 Satellites of the Georgium Sidus, &c. “ of Feb. 28, fig. 3. are in their places, but I cannot see the small star k. The evening is not very clear/' “ 9h 51' • I cannot see the star k” “ ioh 25'. I suppose a, in figure 4, to be the star towards “ which the planet is moving." “cab are in a crooked line. “ c ef are nearly in a line ; / is a little preceding. “ c d e form a triangle. “ There is a small star h , preceding d. “ There is an exceeding small star k , in the line b kg, but a little preceding and nearer b. “ a b c are large stars. “deg are also pretty large. “ f and h are small. Power 157. “ With 320, there is also a very small star l, near d, forming “ an isosceles triangle h d /, on the preceding side." “ March 5. 7h 39'. Power 320. The stars abcdefghkl “ are in the places where they were marked last night." “ 9h 37' • There is a very small star n, south of g; another m, “ preceding g ; and a third 0, south following g” “ ioh 19'. I suspect a very small star, south following the “ planet, at one-third of the distance of the 1st satellite ; but “ cannot verify it with 480. With 600, the same suspicion “ continues." “ March 7. 9^ 48'. The stars abed ef g hkl are in their “ places." “ nmo are in their places." “ The planet has passed between the stars ef, pretty near “ to/." 56 Dr. Herschel's Discovery of four additional Reports. March 21, 1 794. Power 320. A small star was suspected south of the planet, or about 85° south following. It could not be verified with 480, nor with 600 ; and was even supposed, to have been a deception ; but the 2 2d was found remaining in the place where the planet had left it. Observations. “ March 2 6, 17 94. gh 35'. With 480, I see the 1st satellite e‘ much better than with 320. I suspected, with 320, a 3d sa- “ tellite, directly north of the planet, a little farther off than the “ 1st, and this power almost verifies the suspicion.” See figure 5. (Tab. III.) “ gh 44', With 600, I still suspect the same, but cannot sa~ “ tisfy myself of the reality.” “ 1 ih 32'. I see the supposed 3d satellite perfectly well now. “ It is much smaller than the 1st, and in a line with the planet “ and the 1st; so that probably it is a fixed star; since it pre- “ ceded the 1st, when I saw it before, I think more than the “ quicker motion of the 1st satellite would account for. If it “ be a fixed star, it makes almost a rectangular triangle with qr , « the shorter leg being 3d r ; or it is almost in a line with q “ and n ” “ N. B. The lines in the description are truer than in the “ figure, as the latter is only intended to point out the stars “ in question.” “ March 27. 8h 37'. Power 320. The same small star, ob- ec served last night at nh 32', is gone from the place where I “ saw it. From its light last night, compared to r, which hi Satellites of the Georgium Sidus , &c. (i to-night is very near the planet, and scarcely visible, I am i79°- We have a second observation of it March 27, 1794 ; which, though not very strong, yet adds confirmation to the former. For that evening, which was uncommonly fine, other satellites, south, at a good distance, were perceived. This must relate principally to our present satellite, which may certainly be said to be at a good distance from the planet, and which, by that time, was probably in the southern part of its orbit, and near its greatest elongation. There is a third observation, March 28, 1797, which probably also belongs to this satellite. For the exceedingly small star Y, MDCCXC VIII. • K 66' Dr. Herschel's Discovery of four additional which is mentioned as not having been seen the 25th, when the delineation of the stars was made, will agree very well with the two former observations ; and, being near the greatest elon- gation, the distance of this satellite is well pointed out, and agrees remarkably well with the calculation of the first obser- vation of it. It remains now only to be mentioned, that in such delicate observations as these of the additional satellites, there may possibly arise some doubts with those who are very scrupulous; but, as I have been much in the habit of seeing very small and dim objects, I have not been detained from publishing these observations sooner, on account of the least uncertainty about the existence of these satellites, but merely because I was in hopes of being able soon to give a better account of them, with regard to their periodical revolutions. It did not appear satis- factory to me to announce a satellite, unless I could, at the same time, have pointed out more precisely the place where it might be found by other astronomers. But, as more time is now already elapsed than I had allowed myself for a completion of the theory of these satellites, I thought it better not to defer the communi- cation any longer. The arrangement of the four new and the two old satellites together will be thus : First satellite, the interior one of Jan. 18, 1790. Second satellite, the nearest old one of Jan. 11, 1787. Third satellite, the intermediate one of March 26, 1 794,. Fourth satellite, the farthest old one of Jan. 11, 1787. Fifth satellite, the exterior one of Feb. 9, 1790. Sixth satellite, the most distant one of Feb. 28, 1794. Satellites of the Georgium Sidns , &c. 6y Observations and Reports te?iding to the Discovery of one or more Rings of the Georgian Planet , and the flattening of its polar Regio?is. * “ Nov. 13, 1782. 7-feet reflector, power 460. I perceive no “ flattening of the polar regions.” “ April 8, 1783. I surmise a polar flattening.” “ Feb. 4, 1787. 20-feet reflector, power 300. Well defined; “ ntf appearance of any ring ; much daylight.” “ March 4. I begin to entertain again a suspicion that the planet is not round. When I see it most distinctly, it appears “ to have double, opposite points. See figure 7. Perhaps a “ double ring ; that is, two rings, at rectangles to each other.” March 5; The Georgian Sidus not being round, the telescope was turned to Jupiter. I viewed that planet with 157, 300, and 480, which shewed it perfectly well defined. Returning to the Georgian planet, it was again seen affected with projecting points. Two opposite ones, that were large and blunt, from preceding to following ; and two others, that were small and less blunt, from north to south. See figure 7, March 7. Position of the great ring R, from 7o°S.P. to 70* N.F. Small ring r, from 2o°N.P. to 2o°N.F. 600 shewed R and r. 800 R and r. 1200 R and r. “ March 8. R and r are probably deceptions.” “ Nov. 9. The suspicion of a ring returns often when I ad- “ just the focus by one of the satellites, but yet I think it has no foundation.” Feb. 22, 1789. A ring was suspected. The observations are distinguished from the reports by marks of quotation, (“ ”■) 68 Dr. Herschei/s Discovery of four additional “ March 16. 7h 37'. I have turned my speculum 90° round. “ A certain appearance, owing to a defect which it has con- “ tracted by exposure to the air since it was made, is gone “ with it ; (see fig. 9 and 10 ;) but the suspected ring remains in the place where I saw it last. “ 7h 50'. Power 471 shews the same appearance rather “ stronger. Power 589 still shews the same/’ “ Memorandum. The ring is short, not like that of Saturn. “ It seems to be as in figure 8 ; and this may account for the “ great difficulty of verifying it. It is remarkable that the two “ ansce seem of a colour a little inclined to red. The blur oc- “ casioned by the fault of the speculum is, to-night, as repre- “ sented in figure 9. The other evening it was as in figure 10 ; “ and the ring is likewise as it was the same evening.” “ March 20. 7h 53/ When the satellites are best in focus, “ the suspicion of a ring is the strongest.” “ Dec. 15. The planet is not round, and I have not much “ doubt but that it has a ring.” “ Feb. 26, 1792. 6h34'. My telescope is extremely distinct; “ and, when I adjust it upon a very minute double star, which « is not far from the planet, I see a very faint ray, like a ring “ crossing the planet, over the centre. This appearance is of “ an equal length on both sides, so that I strongly suspect it “ to be a ring. There is, however, a possibility of its being an “ imperfection in the speculum, owing to some slight scratch : “ I shall take its position, and afterwards turn the speculum on “ its axis.” “ 8h 39'. Position of the supposed ring fromN.P. to S.F.” « 9h 56'. I have turned the speculum one quadrant round ; ' 44 but the appearance of the very faint ray continues where it Satellites of the Georgium Sidus , &c. 6*9 « was before, so that the defect is not in the speculum, nor is « it in the eye-glass. But still it is now also pretty evident “ that it arises from some external cause ; for it is now in the “ same situation, with regard to the tube, in which it was 3-J “ hours ago : whereas, the parallel is differently situated, and “ the ring, of course, ought to be so too.” “ March 5, 1792. I viewed the Georgian planet with a newly “ polished speculum, of an excellent figure. It shewed the pla- “ net very well defined, and without any suspicion of a ring. “ I viewed it successively with 240, 300, 480, 6 00, 800, 1200, “ and 2400 ; all which powers my speculum bore with great dis- “ tinctness. I am pretty well convinced that the disk is flat— “ tened.” The moon was pretty near the planet. “ Dec. 4, 1793. 7-feet reflector, power 287. The Georgian tc planet is not so well defined as, from the extraordinary dis- “ tinctness of my present 7-feet telescope, it ought to be. There “ is a suspicion of some apparatus about the planet.” “ Feb. 26, 1794. 20-feet reflector, power 480. The planet “ seems to be a little lengthened out, in the direction of the “ longer axis of the satellites' orbits.” “ April 21, 1795. 10-feet reflector, power 400. The telescope “ adjusted to a neighbouring star, so as to make it perfectly “ round. The disk of the planet seems to be a little elliptical. “ With 600, also adjusted upon the neighbouring star, the disk “ still seems elliptical.” Remarks upon the foregoing Observations. With regard to the phenomena which gave rise to the sus- picion of one or more rings, it must be noticed, that few spe- cula or object-glasses are so very perfect as not to be affected 7° Dr. Herschel’s Discovery of four additional with some rays or inequalities, when high powers are used, and the object to be viewed is very minute. It seems, how- ever, from the observations of March i6‘, 1789, and Feb. 2 6, 1792, that the cause of deception, in this case, must be looked for elsewhere. It has often happened, that the situation of the eye-glass, being on one side of the tube, which brings the ob- server close to the mouth of it, has occasioned a visible defect in the view of a very minute object, when proper care has not been taken to keep out of the way ; especially when the wind is in such a quarter as to come from the observer across the telescope. The direction of a current of air alone may also affect vision. Without, however, entering further into the dis- cussion of a subject that must be attended with uncertainty, I will only add, that the observation of the 26th seems to be very decisive against the existence of a ring. When the surmises arose at first, I thought it proper to suppose, that a ring might be in such a situation as to render it almost invisible ; and that, consequently, observations should not be given up, till a suffi- cient time had elapsed to obtain a better view of such a sup- posed ring, by a removal of the planet from its node. This has now sufficiently been obtained in the course of ten years ; for, let the node of the ring have been in any situation what- soever, provided it kept to the same, we must by this time have had a pretty good view of the ring itself. Placing there- fore great confidence on the observation of March 5, 1792, supported by my late views of the planet, I venture to affirm, that it has no ring in the least resembling that, or rather those, of Saturn. The flattening of the poles of the planet seems to be suffi- ciently ascertained by many observations. The 7-feet, the Satellites of the Georgium Sidus, &c. 7l 10-feet, and the 20-feet instruments, equally confirm it; and the direction pointed out Feb. 2 6, 1794, seems to be conform- able to the analogies that may be drawn from the situation of the equator of Saturn, and of Jupiter. This being admitted, we may without hesitation conclude, that the Georgian planet also has a rotation upon its axis, of a considerable degree of velocity. Reports and Observations relating to the Light and Size of the Georgian Satellites , and to their vanishing at certain Dis- tances from the Planet. Jan. 14, 1787. A star was put down, as a supposed very faint satellite; but, on the 17th, the planet being removed, it ap- peared nearly as bright as two considerable stars that had also been noted. “ Jan. 17. The 1st satellite is the smallest in appearance.” “ Jan. 24. The 2d satellite is brighter than the first.” “ Feb. 9, 1787. The 1st satellite is larger than the second.” Feb. 10. The planet was supposed to go to a triangle of pretty bright stars. The 1 ith it was between them, and the stars of the triangle were so dim, that, had they not been seen before, they might have been supposed to be satellites. “ Sept. 19, 1787. 4h 24'. I can still see the satellites, though “ daylight is already very strong : they are fainter than the " faintest of Saturn’s satellites.” * “ Feb. 22, 1791. I cannot perceive the 1st satellite, probably u owing to its nearness to the planet.” “ March 2, 1791. The 1st satellite is hardly to be seen ; I * Five satellites of Saturn were only known at that time. 72 Dr. Herschel’s Discovery of four additional “ have however had several perfect glimpses of it. It seems to “ be about the most contracted part of its orbit.” March 6. The supposed 3d and 4th satellites of March 5th were imagined to have been gone from their former places; but were seen the 7th, with this memorandum. “ I mistook them last night for other stars, they being so large that I did not know them again.” “ March 9. The 2d satellite is nearer the planet than the “ first, and on that account appears smaller.” “ Dec. 9, 1791. I do not perceive the 1st satellite.” “ Feb. 13, 1792. 6h The 3d supposed satellite of last “ night is a considerable star ; not much less than b” When the supposed third was pointed out the night before, it is said to be smaller than the 1st and 2d satellites. By the figure, it did not exceed the distance of the 2d ; and b is called a pretty large star. Feib. 20, 1792. The 2d satellite, being at a great distance, was mistaken for a pretty large star, till about four hours after, when its motion along with the planet was perceived. “ Feb. 21, 1792. 7h36'. I cannot see the 2d satellite. By “ calculation, it should be about 8°, 6 S.F. and I suspect it to “ be there, but cannot get the least assurance.” “ March 15, 1792. I cannot see the 1st satellite with 300; nor with 480 ; nor with 600.” “ March 19. 8h 35'. I cannot see the 2d satellite with 300. “ With 480 I see it very well. I see it also with 800 ; and very “ well with, 1200. With 2400 and 4800 the satellite cannot be “ seen ; but there seems to be a whitish haziness coming on.” March 4, 1794. The 1st satellite could not be seen. 73 Satellites of the Georgium Sidns , &c. March 7. The 1st was invisible. March 17. Both 1st and 2d were invisible. March si. The 1st was invisible, though looked for with all the powers of the instrument. March 22. The 2d was hardly visible. March 23. The 2d was not to be seen. March 2 b. The 1st was but just visible. March 5, 1796. The 2d was invisible. April 4, 1796. The 1st was invisible. “ March 17, 1797. Power boo. Neither of the satellites are “ visible to-night ; with 300 I cannot see them. The night is a very beautiful, and I have a field bar to hide the planet ; but, “ notwithstanding this, I cannot see either of the satellites." March si. The 1st satellite was invisible. March 23. The 2d was invisible. The 1st could not be seen immediately, but, having been informed where exactly to look for it, according to my calculation of its place, it was perceived; and with boo seen very well. March 23. Both satellites were invisible. Remarks on the foregoing Observations. From the observations of Jan. 14, Feb. 10, March b, 178 7, and Feb. 13, 1792, it appears, that all very small stars, when they come near the planet, lose much of their lustre. Indeed, every observation that has been recorded before, of supposed satellites that have been proved to be stars afterwards, has fully confirmed this circumstance; for they were always found to be considerable stars, and their being mistaken for satellites was owing to their loss of light when near the planet. This would hardly deserve notice, as it is well known that a superior light MDCCXCVIII. L 74 Dr. Herschel’s Discovery of four additional will obstruct an inferior one ; but some circumstances which attend the operation of the affections of light upon the eye, when objects are very faint, are so remarkable, that they must not be passed over in silence. After having been used to follow up the satellites of Saturn and Jupiter, to the very margin of their planets, so as even to measure the apparent diameter of one of Jupiter's satellites by its entrance on the disk,* I was in hopes that a similar oppor- tunity would soon have offered with the Georgian satellites : not indeed to measure the satellites, but to measure the planet itself, by means of the passage of the satellite over its disk. I expected also to have settled the epochs of the satellites, from their conjunctions and oppositions, with more accuracy than I have yet been able to do, from their various positions in other parts of their orbits. A disappointment of obtaining these capital advantages deserves to have its cause investigated ; but, first of all, let us cast a look upon the observations. The satellites, we may remark, become regularly invisible, when, after their elongation, they arrive to certain distances from the planet. In order to find what these distances are, we will take the first observation of this kind, as an example. Feb. 22, 1791, the first satellite could not be seen. Now, by my lately constructed tables, its longitude from the apogee, at the time of observation, was 204,5 degrees ; that is, 24,5 de- grees from the most contracted part of its orbit, on the side that is turned to us, which, as its opposite is called the apogee, I shall call the perigee. By my tables also for the same day, we have the distance of the apogee from the planet, which is ,60 ; supposing the greatest elongation distance to be 1. This * See Phil. Trans, for 1797, Part II. page 335. Satellites of the Georgium Sidus , See. 75 being given, we may find an easy method of ascertaining the distance of the satellite, when it is near the apogee or perigee : for it will be sufficiently true for our purpose to use the fol- lowing analogy. Cosine of the distance of the satellite from the apogee or perigee is to the apogee distance from the planet, as the greatest elongation is to the distance of the satellite from the planet. When the ellipsis is very open, this theorem will only hold good in moderate distances from the apogee or peri- gee ; but, when it is a good deal flattened, it will not be con- siderably out in more distant situations : and it will also be sufficiently accurate to take the natural cosine from the tables to two places of decimals only. When this is applied to our present instance, we have ,91 for the natural cosine of 24,5 degrees ; and the distance of the satellite from the planet will come out ,6 x 33 = 21", 8. ,gi By this method, it appears that the satellite, when it could not be seen, was nearly 22" from the planet. We must not however conclude, that this is the given dis- tance at which it will always vanish. For instance, the same satellite, though hardly to be seen, was however not quite in- visible March 2, 1791. Its distance from the planet, computed as before, was then only -6-* 33-. = 19", 8 . The clearness of the atmosphere, and other favourable cir- cumstances, must certainly have great influence in observations of very faint objects ; therefore, a computation of all the ob- servations where the satellites were not seen, as well as a few others where they were seen, when pretty near the apogee or perigee, will be the surest way of settling the fact. The result of these computations is thus. L 2 7 6 Dr. Herschei/s Discovery of four additional First satellite invisible. Second satellite invisible. 1791. Feb. 22 at 21,8 1792. Feb. 21 at *3>3 Dec. 19 at 16,9 ’794.- March 17 at 20,7 1792. March 15 at 18,4 March 23 at 17.9 1794. March 4 at 00 1796. March 5 at 9’3 March 7 at 12,5 March 17 at 6,3 March 17 at 17,0 March 23 at 6, 2 March 21 at *5>5 March 25 at 8.7 April 4 at 8,5 1797. March 17 at 4>8 March 21 at 4>6 March 25 at 4>8 First satellite visible. Second satellite visible. 1791. March 2 at i^8 1794- March 22 at 17*5 1794. Feb. 2 6 at 14A Thus, having the observations and calculated distances under - our inspection, we find that both the satellites became always invisible when they were near the planet : that the ist was ge- nerally lost when it came within i8/; of the planet, and the 2d at the distance of about 20" In very uncommon and beautiful nights, the 1st has once been seen at 13", 8, and the 2d at 17", 3; but at no time have they been visible when nearer the planet, I shall now endeavour to investigate the cause which can Satellites of the Georgium Sidns, &c. 77 render small stars and satellites invisible at so great a distance as 18 or 20". A dense atmosphere of the planet would account for the de- falcation of light sufficiently, were it not proved that the satellites are equally lost, whether they are in the nearest half of their orbits, or in that which is farthest from us. But, as a satellite cannot be eclipsed by an atmosphere that is behind it, a sur- mise of this kind cannot be entertained. Let us then turn our view to light itself, and see whether certain affections between bright and very bright objects, contrasted with others that take place between faint and very faint ones, will not explain the phenomena of vanishing satellites. The light of Jupiter or Saturn, for instance, on account of its brilliancy, is diffused, almost equally, over a space of several minutes all around these planets. Their satellites also, having a great share of brightness, and moving in a sphere that is strongly illuminated, cannot be much affected by their various distances from the planets. The case then is, that they have much light to lose, and comparatively lose but little. The Georgian planet, on the contrary, is very faint ; and the influence of its feeble light cannot extend far, with any degree of equality. This enables us to see the faintest objects, even when they are only a minute or two removed from it. The satellites of this planet are very nearly the dimmest objects that can be seen in the heavens ; so that they cannot bear any con- siderable diminution of their light, by a contrast with a more luminous object, without becoming invisible. If then the sphere of illumination of our new planet be limited to 18 or 20", we may fully account for the loss of the satellites when they come 78 Dr. Herschei/s Discovery of four additional within its reach ; for they have very little light to lose, and lose it pretty suddenly. This contrast, therefore, between the condition of the Georgian satellites and those of the brighter planets, seems to be suffi- cient to account for the phenomenon of their becoming invi- sible. We may avail ourselves of the observations that relate to the distances at which the satellites vanish, to determine their re- lative brightness. The 2d satellite appears generally brighter than the ist; but, as the former is usually lost farther from the planet than the latter, we may admit the ist satellite to be rather brighter than the 2d. This seems to be confirmed by the observation of March 9, 1791 ; where the 2d appeared to be smaller than the 1st, though the latter was only 25" from the planet, while the other was 30", 8. The first of the new satellites will hardly ever be seen other- wise than about its greatest elongations, but cannot be much inferior in brightness to the other two ; and, if any more in- terior satellites should exist, we shall probably not obtain a sight of them; for the same reason that the inhabitants of the Georgian planet perhaps never can discover the existence of our earth, Venus, and Mercury. The 2d new or intermediate satellite is considerably smaller than the 1st and 2d old satellites. The two exterior, or 5th and 6th satellites, are the smallest of all, and must chiefly be looked for in their greatest elongations. Periodical Revolutions of the new Satellites. It may be some satisfaction to know what time the four Thilos. TransMX) C CX C V1L1, Tab. Jlp. b JO. orj, fc . 79 Satellites of the Georgium Sidus, &c. additional satellites probably employ in revolving round their planet. Now, as this can only be ascertained with accuracy by many observations, we must of course remain in suspense, till a series of them can be properly instituted. But, in the mean time, we may admit the distance of the interior satellite to be 2 5", 5, as our calculation of the estimation of March 5, 1794, gives it; and from this we compute that its periodical revolution will be 5 days, 2 1 hours, 25 minutes. If we place the intermediate satellite at an equal distance between the two old ones, or at 38", 57, its period will be 10 days, 23 hours, 4 minutes. By the figure of Feb. 9, 1790, it seems that the nearest ex- terior satellite is about double the distance of the farthest old one ; hence, its periodical time is found to be 38 days, 1 hour, 49 minutes. The most distant satellite, according to the calculation of the observation of Feb. 28, 1794, is full four times as far from the planet as the old 2d satellite ; it will therefore take at least 107 days, 16 hours, 40 minutes, to complete one revolution. It will hardly be necessary to add, that the accuracy of these periods depends entirely upon the truth of the assumed dis- tances ; some considerable difference, therefore, may be expect- ed, when observations shall furnish us with proper data for more accurate determinations. Slough, near Windsor, September i, 1797. C 80 3 IV. An Inquiry concerning the Source of the Heat which is excited by Friction . By Benjamin Count of Rumford, F.R.S. M.R.I.A. Read January 25, 1798. It frequently happens, that in the ordinary affairs and occupa- tions of life, opportunities present themselves of contemplating some of the most curious operations of nature ; and very interest- ing philosophical experiments might often be made, almost with- out trouble or expence, by means of machinery contrived for the mere mechanical purposes of the arts and manufactures. I have frequently had occasion to make this observation ; and am persuaded, that a habit of keeping the eyes open to every thing that is going on in the ordinary course of the business of life has oftener led, as it were by accident, or in the play- ful excursions of the imagination, put into action by contem- plating the most common appearances, to useful doubts, and sensible schemes for investigation and improvement, than all the more intense meditations of philosophers, in the hours ex- pressly set apart for study. It was by accident that I was led to make the experiments of which I am about to give an account ; and, though they are not perhaps of sufficient importance to merit so formal an in- troduction, I cannot help flattering myself that they will be thought curious in several respects, and worthy of the honour of being made known to the Royal Society. Count Rumford's Inquiry , See. 81 Being engaged, lately, in superintending the boring of can- non, in the workshops of the military arsenal at Munich, I was struck with the very considerable degree of heat which a brass gun acquires, in a short time, in being bored ; and with the still more intense heat (much greater than that of boiling water, as I found by experiment,) of the metallic chips sepa- rated from it by the borer. The more I meditated on these phenomena, the more they appeared to me to be curious and interesting. A thorough in- vestigation of them seemed even to bid fair to give a farther insight into the hidden nature of heat; and to enable us to form some reasonable conjectures respecting the existence, or non-existence, of an igneous fluid: a subject on which the opi- nions of philosophers have, in all ages, been much divided In order that the Society may have clear and distinct ideas of the speculations and reasonings to which these appearances gave rise in my mind, and also of the specific objects of phi- losophical investigation they suggested to me, I must beg leave to state them at some length, and in such manner as I shall think best suited to answer this purpose. , From zvhence comes the heat actually produced in the mecha- nical operation above mentioned ? Is it furnished by the metallic chips which are separated by the borer from the solid mass of metal ? If this were the case, then, according to the modern doc- trines of latent heat, and of caloric, the capacity for heat of the parts of the metal, so reduced to chips, ought not only to be changed, but the change undergone by them should be suffi- ciently great to account for all the heat produced. But no such change had taken place; for I found, upon >idccxcviii. M 8s Count Rum ford’s Inquiry concerning taking equal quantities, by weight, of these chips, and of thin slips of the same block of metal separated by means of a fine saw, and putting them, at the same temperature, (that of boil- ing water,) into equal quantities of cold water, (that is to say, at the temperature of 59°-^ F.) the portion of water into which the chips were put was not, to all appearance, heated either less or more than the other portion, in which the slips of metal were put. This experiment being repeated several times, the results were always so nearly the same, that I could not determine whether any, or what change, had been produced in the metal, in regard to its capacity for heat , by being reduced to chips by the borer.* From hence it is evident, that the heat produced could not ..7 ►* ^ * * As these experiments are important, it may perhaps be agreeable to the Society to be made acquainted with them in their details. One of them was as follows : ' v To 4590 grains of water, at the temperature of 59°! F. (an allowance as compen- sation, reckoned in water, for the capacity for heat of the containing cylindrical tin ■'2 ’2 ^ vessel, being included,) were added 101 6\ grains of gun-metal in thin slips, separated from the gun by means of a fine saw, being at the temperature of 2 io° F. When they had remained together 1 minute, and had been well stirred about, by means of a small rod of light wood, the heat of the mixture was found to be — 63°. From this experiment, the specific heat of the metal, calculated according to the rule given by Dr. Crawford, turns out to be = 0.1100, that of water being = 1.0000. An experiment was afterwards made with the metallic chips, as follows : To the same quantity of water as was used in the experiment above mentioned, at the same temperature, (viz. 59°|>) and in the same cylindrical tin vessel, were now 42 ' ; put 10 1 61 grains of metallic chips of gun-metal, bored out of the same gun from which the slips used in the foregoing experiment were taken, and at the same tempe- rature (2100). The heat of the mixture, at the end of 1 minute, was just 63°, as before; consequently the specific heat of these metallic chips was = 0.1100. Each of the above experiments was repeated 3 times, and always with nearly the same results. the Source of the Heat excited by Friction. 83 possibly have been furnished at the expence of the latent heat of the metallic chips. But, not being willing to rest satisfied with these trials, however conclusive they appeared to me to be, I had recourse to the following still more decisive experi- ment. Taking a cannon, (a brass six-pounder, ) cast solid, and rough as it came from the foundry, (see fig. 1. Tab. IV.) and fixing it (horizontally) in the machine used for boring, and at the same time finishing the outside of the cannon by turning, (see fig. 2. ) I caused its extremity to be cut off ; and, by turning down the metal in that part, a solid cylinder was formed, *]— inches in diameter, and 9^ inches long; which, when finished, remained joined to the rest of the metal (that which, properly speaking, constituted the cannon, ) by a small cylindrical neck, only 2| inches in diameter, and 3-^ inches long. This short cylinder, which was supported in its horizontal position, and turned round its axis, by means of the neck by which it remained united to the cannon, was now bored with the horizontal borer used in boring cannon ; but its bore, which was 3.7 inches in diameter, instead of being continued through its whole length (9.8 inches) was only 7.2 inches in length; so that a solid bottom was left to this hollow cylinder, which bottom was 2 .6 inches in thickness. This cavity is represented by dotted lines in fig. 2 ; as also in fig. 3. where the cylinder is represented on an enlarged scale. This cylinder being designed for the express purpose of ge- nerating heat by friction , by having a blunt borer forced against its solid bottom at the same time that it should be turned round its axis by the force of horses, in order that the heat accumu- M 2 3'/ b j'sh 3' OS 3 8 4 / 1 to ' 2 V -'--j o-3osb 6J, J/ff £.#