To the documentalisfc list, however, and- to fche
historian, Bombay will ever remain a self-made city, a
city of modest beginnings that has grown up on its own
wide reputation, the city of millionaies, the city of cotton,
fche city with the finest natural harbour in India, the
Queen of the West Coast,

And now fche quill is dipped once again, this time
for ink to write the concluding paragraph of fcbis brief
story of Bombay, and of this series; Pictures and Pen
Pictures of India. Two friends, the camera and the quill,
have facilitated the recording of many things that
the mind and the eye of a documentalist and camera-
man have observed in his peregrinations in this country,
a country rich in its history, archaeology, art, romance,
and its cultural heritage. Fifteen stories the guill has
written round the many pictures that the camera has
faithfully photographed; but, until the camera brings
pictures for some more stories, the quill must rest for Or
while until, perhaps, quill and camera co-operate again
to tell of some more of the many regions of this vast
and interesting country, this India.