In the city of Muttra long, long ago, Krishna, incarnation of Vishnu, way born to the sister of the then tyrant king Kamsi. Since epic times Muttra and the neighbouring towns of Brindhabin, Gokul, and Oovardhan have been held as sacred cities. To this temple of Muttra come all the devotees and followers of Krishna. A doorway to a .shiine in Gokul. An oracle had warned the tyi'Jnt king, Kamsd, tliat lie would die at the hands of his Mister's eighth son, and so when Krishna was born lie was miraculously acrobs the river Muttra to Gokul up as the son of He was later to fulfil the prophecy of the oracle and slay the tyrant Kamsa. Picturesque Gokul brings to the mind many other legends of the boyhood of Krishna. transferred Jumna from and brought up a cowherd. He