THE GARDEN OF SANSKRIT LEGEND 35 child and his rovings Jayadeva sings in his Song of the Cowherd: "The firmament is obscured by clouds; the woodlands are black with Tamala-trees; that youth, who roves in the forest, will be fearful in the gloom of night: go, my daughter; bring the wanderer home to my rustic mansion ", said the cowherd, Nanda, to the milkmaid. This youth who roved in the forests of Brindhavan was one day to speak on an epic battlefield and deliver his masterly message, the Song of Philosophy, the Bhagavat Qita. And. so to Muttra, the birthplace of Krishna, unto Grokul, his nursery, and towards Brindavan and Grovardhan, the playground of the growing lad that was god incarnate, the devoted pilgrim turns his steps.